S-Works Phenom with Mirror
Part No.: 27223-2503
Well known for its long body and flat profile, the Phenom is the shape of choice for many of the best racers in the world, ranging from Tour of Flanders winner Kasper Asgreen to World DH Champion Loic Bruni. Like every saddle we make, the S-Wor... Read More
Phenom以修長外型和扁平輪廓外型聞名,是世界上許多最強選手的首選,從Tour of Flanders環法蘭德斯冠軍 Kasper Asgreen到下坡賽世界冠軍 Read More

S-Works Phenom with Mirror
Well known for its long body and flat profile, the Phenom is the shape of choice for many of the best racers in the world, ranging from Tour of Flanders winner Kasper Asgreen to World DH Champion Loic Bruni. Like every saddle we make, the S-Works Phenom with Mirror was ergonomically designed and scientifically proven - our Body Geometry methodology - combined with our Mirror 3D printing - resulting in 28% less pressure, right where it counts.
BODY GEOMETRY: We know that every body is different, but the issues facing riders in the saddle are the same — sit bone pressure, scar tissue build-up, and blood flow loss. Using pressure mapping, blind comfort studies, and even penile blood flow studies (yeah, we did that), Body Geometry and Mirror Saddles don’t just promise to solve these issues for men and women — we’ve scientifically proven they do.
SOFT TISSUE RELIEF: Using a concave shape and ultra-compliant carbon shell, we’ve created a space for a thicker Mirror print, using 20,055 struts and 8,735 nodes - resulting in a 28% reduction in sit bone pressure compared to a traditional foam saddle, measured by our ultra high-resolution pressure mapping.
PERFORMANCE-INSPIRED SHAPING: Being our longest and flattest saddle from tail to nose, the S-Works Phenom with Mirror’s shape and construction enables maximum movement for optimal positioning for power - enabling riders to easily adjust their position on the saddle for tempo efforts and supports riders movement in and out of the saddle on climbs.
- Patented Body Geometry technology is ergonomically designed and scientifically proven to increase blood flow to sensitive arteries.
- Longest and flattest, Mirror saddle, from nose to tail to date at 27cm.
- Mirror technology utilizes 3D printing from liquid polymer to create a one-of-a-kind honeycomb structure that offers superior sit-bone support and comfort.
- Carbon fiber shell is flex-tuned for support and ride compliance.
- Ultra-light oversized carbon rails.
- SWAT™-compatible mounts molded into the saddle base allow for sleek and integrated storage solutions.
- NOTE: Oversized 7x9mm carbon rails are not compatible with seat posts equipped with side-load clamp mechanisms for 7mm round rails.
- Size 143mm / Weight 223g
- Size 155mm / Weight: 227g
Phenom以修長外型和扁平輪廓外型聞名,是世界上許多最強選手的首選,從Tour of Flanders環法蘭德斯冠軍 Kasper Asgreen到下坡賽世界冠軍 Loic Bruni,都是Phenom座墊的愛好者。如同我們製造過的每一款座墊,搭載Mirror技術的S-Works Phenom採用人體工學設計並經過科學實證–也就是我們的Body Geometry方法-與我們的Mirror 3D列印技術結合-在最關鍵的部位減少了28%的壓力。
我們知道每個人的身型各異,但騎士們在座墊上遭遇的問題卻是相同的 —坐骨壓力、結痂組織堆積和血流降低。藉由壓力測繪、舒適度盲測研究,甚至是陰莖血流研究(是的,我們真的有做),Body Geometry人體工學方法和 Mirror座墊不僅承諾為男男女女解決這些問題,而且我們已經證明的確可行。
軟組織緩解:利用內凹構形和超柔順的碳材外殼,我們為更厚的Mirror列印方式創造了空間,透過 20,055個支柱和 8,735個節點 -經由我們的超高解析度壓力測繪測量,與傳統發泡材料座墊的坐骨壓力相比,降低了 28%。
性能取向外型:搭載Mirror形狀與結構的S-Works Phenom是我們從尾部到尖端最長、最平坦的座墊,可針對最大功率的騎姿,提供最大量的移動範圍-使騎士能夠在間歇攻擊時輕鬆調整在座墊上的位置,並支撐騎士在爬坡時頻繁變換姿勢。
專利 Body Geometry人體工學技術符合人體工學設計,經科學證明可增加流向敏感部位動脈的血流。
- 迄今為止最長、最平的Mirror座墊,從尖端到尾部長達 27公分。
- Mirror 利用液態聚合物 3D列印技術,打造獨一無二的蜂巢結構,提供絕佳的坐骨支撐和舒適度。碳材外殼經彈性調整,可提供支撐性和騎乘順應性。
- 超輕量超大座弓。
- 相容 SWAT™的安裝座模製在座墊基座中,提供流線且整合的置物解決方案。
- 注意:超大 7x9mm碳纖座弓不相容用於 7mm圓形座弓的側夾機構座管。
- 尺寸 143mm /重量:223g
- 尺寸 155mm /重量:227g
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