Romin EVO Pro with Mirror
Part No.: 27123-7103
The Romin EVO Pro with Mirror starts with our Body Geometry methodology and combines this with our game-changing Mirror saddle technology to create an unmatched combination of performance and comfort. The saddle is designed for riders that pref... Read More
具備 Mirror 技術的 Romin EVO Pro 從我們的 Body Geometry 出發,並與我們改變遊戲規則的 Mirror 座墊技術結合,創造出無與倫比的性能和舒適性組合。此座墊專為喜歡激進、採取增進性能騎姿的騎士而設計,同時仍能保護軟組織和血液流動。結果呢?壓力減少
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Romin EVO Pro with Mirror
The Romin EVO Pro with Mirror starts with our Body Geometry methodology and combines this with our game-changing Mirror saddle technology to create an unmatched combination of performance and comfort. The saddle is designed for riders that prefer an agressive, performance inspired position that still protects soft tissue and blood flow. The result? 26% less pressure, right where it counts.
PERFORMANCE MEETS COMFORT: The new Romin EVO Pro with Mirror saddle uses the exact same 3D printed pad as the S-Works Romin EVO Pro with Mirror but now comes with a nylon and reclaimed carbon fiber shell and hollow Ti rails. Our Romin EVO has been a favorite for our professional athletes and racers everywhere season after season. Its traditional long shape is designed to relieve pressure in aggressive, race-inspired positions while allowing the rider to slide backward and forward on the saddle to provide the ideal position for tempo climbing or maximum wattage efforts. Now with Mirror technology, the saddle reduces pressure by up to 26% compared to traditional foam saddles, validated with extensive high-resolution pressure mapping studies. It uses a 3D printed matrix with 22,200 struts and 10,700 nodes and features a unique concave shell to deliver our thickest Mirror pad yet. To ensure your fit is dialed, it comes in two widths: 155mm and 143mm.
BODY GEOMETRY AND MIRROR: We know that every body is different, but the issues facing riders in the saddle are the same — sit bone pain, scar tissue build-up, and blood flow loss. Using pressure mapping, blind comfort studies, and even penile blood flow studies (yeah, we did that), Body Geometry and Mirror Saddles don’t just promise to solve these issues for men and women — we’ve proved they do.
Unlike traditional single-density foam, Mirror technology allows for infinite density tuning with a single material. But any material is only as good as the designers and engineers that use it. Thanks to our Body Geometry methodology, Retül data, and decades of experience, the 3D-printed matrix is tuned to support the sit bones across a greater area, creating a hammock effect that lets the saddle support your weight, not the tissue around your sit bones.
DURABILITY AND SUSTAINABILITY: By using reclaimed carbon fiber in the shell, we’re keeping scrap carbon fiber out of landfills while creating a light and durable saddle. Add to this hollow Ti rails, and you’ve got a saddle light enough for performance road and XC riding - just 243 grams in a 143 mm width — and tough enough for gravel and trail riding.
- Patented Body Geometry design is lab-tested to ensure improved comfort and blood flow to sensitive arteries.
- Mirror technology pad features 22,200 struts and 10,700 nodes, all individually tuned.
- SWAT™-compatible mounts molded into the saddle base allow for sleek and integrated storage solutions.
- Lightweight and durable hollow Ti rails.
- Reclaimed carbon fiber and nylon-injected base. 15% reclaimed carbon fiber.
- Size 143mm / Weight: 239g
- Size 155mm / Weight: 245g
具備 Mirror 技術的 Romin EVO Pro 從我們的 Body Geometry 出發,並與我們改變遊戲規則的 Mirror 座墊技術結合,創造出無與倫比的性能和舒適性組合。此座墊專為喜歡激進、採取增進性能騎姿的騎士而設計,同時仍能保護軟組織和血液流動。結果呢?壓力減少 26%,恰到好處。
「性能」與「舒適」:新款具備 Mirror 技術的 Romin EVO Pro 座墊與 S-Works Romin EVO Pro 使用完全相同的 3D 列印襯墊,但現在更搭配尼龍和再生碳纖外殼和空心鈦座弓。我們的 Romin EVO 長久以來一直是各地專業運動員和選手的最愛。傳統的長形設計能緩解激進比賽姿勢帶來的壓力,同時還可讓選手在座墊上前後滑動,為瞬時陡坡或最大功率輸出的片刻提供理想的騎姿。現在搭配 Mirror 技術,與傳統泡綿座墊相比,可減少高達 26% 的壓力,這一結果已由深入的高解析度壓力測繪研究驗證。使用 22,200 個支柱和 10,700 個節點的 3D 列印矩陣,具有獨特的凹面外殼,是我們迄今為止最厚的 Mirror 襯墊。為確保合身,它有兩種寬度選擇:155mm 和 143mm。
BODY GEOMETRY 人體工學和 MIRROR科技:我們知道每個身體都不一樣,但騎士所面臨的問題卻相同 - 坐骨疼痛、結締組織堆積和血流降低。使用壓力測繪、舒適度雙盲研究,甚至陰莖血流研究(是的,我們也有做),Body Geometry 和 Mirror 座墊不僅承諾為男男女女解決這些問題,也經過驗證的確做到了。
與傳統單一密度泡綿不同,Mirror 技術可使用單一材料進行無限的密度調整。但任何材料的好壞都取決於使用它的設計師和工程師,得益於我們的 Body Geomrtry 方法、Retül 數據和數十年的經驗,3D 列印矩陣經過調整,可在更大面積上支撐坐骨,創造出吊床效果,讓座墊支撐您的體重,而不是坐骨周圍的軟組織。
- 耐用性和永續性:將回收碳纖維使用在外殼中,我們去除了垃圾掩埋場中的廢碳纖維,同時創造出輕盈耐用的座墊。再加上空心鈦座弓,您就擁有了足以使用於高性能公路和 XC 騎乘的輕量座墊 - 寬度 143mm 僅重 243g - 並且足夠堅固用於礫石路和林道騎乘。
- 專利 Body Geometry 設計經過實驗室測試,可確保改善舒適度和流向敏感動脈的血流。
- Mirror Technology 襯墊具有 22,200 個支柱和 10,700 個節點,皆經過獨立調整。
- 與 SWAT™ 相容的安裝座模製在座墊底座,可提供既簡潔又整合的收納方案。
- 輕盈耐用的空心鈦座弓。
- 再生碳纖維和尼龍射出底座。 15% 再生碳纖維。
- 尺寸 143mm / 重量:239g
- 尺寸 155mm / 重量:245g
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