Power Expert with Mirror
Part No.: 27123-8605
The Perfect Reflection of You. The Power Expert with Mirror saddle combines comfort and performance for riders whether they are podium-seeking crushers or everyday cruisers. The Body Geometry designed Power shape with high-tech Mirror inserts p... Read More
這是您的完美反映。無論是追求登上凸台的哈扣風格,還是日常四處漫遊的休閒騎士,配備 Mirror 技術的 Power Expert 座墊都能為這些騎士提供舒適性和性能。以 Body Geometry 設計的 Power 形狀配備高科技 Mirror
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Power Expert with Mirror
The Perfect Reflection of You. The Power Expert with Mirror saddle combines comfort and performance for riders whether they are podium-seeking crushers or everyday cruisers. The Body Geometry designed Power shape with high-tech Mirror inserts provide sit bone-friendly support road to mountain uses.
ATTAINABLE TECH: The Power Expert with Mirror saddle provides riders with a significant reduction in pain-causing pressure when compared to it’s foam counterpart, the Power Comp Saddle. Inside the saddle are two tear drop shaped Mirror Technology inserts that target sit bone pressure. Riders around the world will be stoked that the new Expert level Power Saddle with Mirror technology make these benefits more attainable than ever.
POWER SHAPE: Our beloved Power shape, with a cutout. The patented Body Geometry design is lab-tested to ensure blood flow to sensitive arteries. Is it a road saddle? Mountain saddle? In short, yes. We hate to say a product works “for everything”, but it does. We believe that performance—in saddle speak—means comfort. And whatever shape and material suits you, will be your highest performing saddle.
MIRROR TECHNOLOGY: We developed Mirror technology by 3D printing from a liquid polymer to be a perfect reflection of you. Mirror technology allows for infinite density tuning with a single material, but any material is only as good as the designers and engineers that use it. Thanks to our Body Geometry methodology, Retül data, and decades of experience, the 3D-printed matrix is tuned to support the sit bones across a greater area, creating a hammock effect that lets the saddle support your weight, not the tissue around your sit bones.
ANY BODY, EVERY RIDE: We know that every body is different, but the issues facing riders in the saddle are the same — sit bone pressure, scar tissue build-up, and blood flow loss. Using pressure mapping, blind comfort studies, and blood flow studies, Body Geometry and Mirror Saddles don’t just promise to solve these issues for people—we’ve proven they do. Plus, this is the first saddle with Mirror technology in additional sizes (130 and 168).
ALL AROUND USE: The Power Expert With Mirror saddle uses the same 3D printed technology as the S-Works Power with Mirror except the Expert has 4-way stretch cover to keep mud and debris out of the nooks and crannies of the Mirror lattice. That dirt-shedding feature, plus super durable, yet light weight hollow titanium rails make the Power Expert with Mirror the smart choice for gravel and mountain riders, in addition to those who stick to paved surfaces.
- Patented Body Geometry design is lab-tested to ensure improved comfort and blood flow to sensitive arteries.
- Mirror technology inserts to provide additinal sit bone relief.
- SWAT™-compatible mounts molded into the saddle base allow for sleek and integrated storage solutions.
- Lightweight and durable hollow Ti rails.
- Supportive and lightweight PU foam surrounding the 3D printed inserts.
- Size 130mm / Weight: 210g
- Size 143mm / Weight: 214g
- Size 155mm / Weight: 225g
- Size 168mm / Weight: 227g
這是您的完美反映。無論是追求登上凸台的哈扣風格,還是日常四處漫遊的休閒騎士,配備 Mirror 技術的 Power Expert 座墊都能為這些騎士提供舒適性和性能。以 Body Geometry 設計的 Power 形狀配備高科技 Mirror 墊材,從公路到林道都對坐骨提供舒適的支撐。
可實現的技術:和以泡綿為主的 Power Comp 座墊相比,配備 Mirror 技術的 Power Expert 可顯著地為騎士減少產生疼痛的壓力。座墊內部有兩個針對坐骨壓力設計的淚滴形 Mirror 技術墊材。世界各地的騎士將會興奮不已,因為裝備 Mirror 技術的全新 Expert 級 Power 座墊使這些優勢比以往更得以實現。
POWER 形狀:我們鍾愛的 Power 形狀,還帶有開口。專利 Body Geometry 設計經實驗室測試,可確保血液流向敏感動脈。這是公路車座墊?還是登山車座墊?簡而言之,都是。我們很不想說有一個產品「適用各車種」,但它確實如此。以座墊用語來說,我們相信性能指的就是「舒適」。無論哪種形狀和材料適合您,那就是能給您最好性能的座墊。
Mirror 技術:我們以液體聚合物 3D 列印所發展的 Mirror 技術,產生您的完美反映。Mirror 技術可藉由單一材料進行無限度的密度調整,但任何好材料還是需要設計師和工程師將其應用才能表現優勢。得益於我們的 Body Geometry 方法、Retül 數據和數十年的經驗,3D 列印矩陣結構經過調整後,可在更大的區域支撐坐骨,產生吊床效果,讓座墊支撐您的體重,而不是壓迫坐骨周圍的組織。
任何身型,每趟騎程:我們知道每個人的身型各異,但騎士們在座墊上遭遇的問題卻是相同的 — 坐骨壓力、結痂組織堆積和血流降低。藉由壓力測繪、舒適度盲測研究和血流研究,Body Geometry 方法和 Mirror 座墊不僅承諾為人們解決這些問題 — 而我們已經證明的確可行。此外,這是首款具備 Mirror 技術並提供其他尺寸(130 和 168)選擇的座墊。
全方位使用: Power Expert 和 S-Works Power 這兩款配備 Mirror 技術的座墊都使用相同的 3D 列印技術,只不過 Expert 覆蓋四向拉伸面料,可防止泥土和碎片侵入 Mirror 晶格狀立體結構的角落和縫隙。防污功能加上超耐用,還有輕量的空心鈦弓,這些都使配備 Mirror 技術的 Power Expert 成為除了堅持公路騎乘的騎士外,礫石車和登山車騎士的明智選擇。
專利 Body Geometry 設計經實驗室測試,可確保改善舒適度和敏感的動脈血流。
- Mirror 技術墊料提昇坐骨壓力緩解。
- SWAT™ 相容安裝座模製在座墊基座中,可擴充流線的整合式儲物解決方案。
- 輕量耐用空心鈦弓。
- 支撐性輕質 PU 泡綿包圍 3D 列印墊料。
- 尺寸 130mm / 重量:210g
- 尺寸 143mm/ 重量:214g
- 尺寸 155mm/ 重量:225g
- 尺寸 168mm/ 重量:227g
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