Roval Rapide Cockpit
Part No.: 21023-0612
The all-new Rapide Cockpit is a lot more than just the fastest way to the finish line. It’s the fastest leading edge we’ve ever made, putting aero gains in the clean air, where they matter most and shaving four watts off the already ultra-quick... Read More
全新的 Rapide Cockpit 整合座艙不僅僅是到達終點線的最快方式。這是我們有史以來最快的領先技術,提供最快速的空氣動力學優勢,這是它們最重要的地方,並將已經超快的兩件式 Rapide 把手和 Tarmac SL7 龍頭組合的功率減少了 4 瓦。但要能夠提供領先優勢,提供致勝優勢,需要的不僅僅是純粹的空氣動力學而已。Roval 工程團隊的目標很簡單 - Rapide Cockpit 整合座艙必須是我們製造的最快的車把手,毫不妥協。它具有流線外型、輕量、堅硬的特點,並且與世界上最好的騎士們和我們的 Retül fit
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Roval Rapide Cockpit
The all-new Rapide Cockpit is a lot more than just the fastest way to the finish line. It’s the fastest leading edge we’ve ever made, putting aero gains in the clean air, where they matter most and shaving four watts off the already ultra-quick two piece Rapide Bar and Tarmac SL7 Stem. But to deliver a leading edge that provides a winning edge takes more than pure aero. The goal for the Roval engineering team was simple—the Rapide Cockpit had to be the fastest bar we’ve ever made, with no compromises. It’s aero, light, stiff, and designed hand-in-hand with the best riders in the world and our Retül fit experts so you can get a grip on victory.
AERODYNAMIC: Removing the cluster of hardware (where stem and handlebar connect) allowed us to design the bar’s leading edge a single airfoil. We optimized this airfoil to provide a maximum advantage in clean air at speeds seen from long solo breakaways to full gas World Tour sprints. While a four watt improvement may seem small, it adds up to a 32cm lead over a 250m final sprint. When races are won by bike throws, this is a winning difference.
LIGHT AND STIFF: By removing the stem’s hardware cluster the Rapide Cockpit is 50 grams lighter (100mm x 420mm) than a two piece Rapide bar and Tarmac SL7 combo. Made from premium high-modulus carbon fiber, that delivers ideal stiffness for the biggest, fastest sprinters on the World Tour, the Rapide Cockpit has a higher stiffness-to-weight ratio than any two piece system we’ve ever made.
FIT: The downside of one-piece cockpits has long been fit, but we partnered with our Retül fit professionals and the best riders in the world to ensure almost every rider can find their fit. We offer 15 different stem and bar combos, all at -6 degree, so we’ve got your race day position covered. The radius from tops to drops has been sculpted for wrist clearance whether out of the saddle in a final sprint or tucked in an aero position, while bend and flare reflect our favorite Rapide bar.
- Aerodynamically engineered to save 4 watts vs a traditional aero road bar
- Material: Premium High Modulus Carbon Fiber, Titanium Stem Bolts
- Sizes: 15 combos from (75mm x 380mm) to (125mm x 440cm)
- Bend: 127mm drop x 75mm reach, 4 degrees of flare at the drops
- Stem Angle: 6-Degrees, Stem Clamp Diameter: 31.8mm
- Steer Clamp Diameter: 1"1/8, Steer Clamp Height: 40mm (SW Tarmac stem steer clamp height: 31mm)
- Weight: 310 grams (100mm x 420mm)
- Cable Routing: Shimano, SRAM, Campagnolo ( Internal / Electronic Compatible)
- System Weight Limit: 275lbs / 125kg
- Included: Roval bolt-on computer mount: S219900058. Add-on: Tarmac SL7 headset transition spacer: S232500001
全新的 Rapide Cockpit 整合座艙不僅僅是到達終點線的最快方式。這是我們有史以來最快的領先技術,提供最快速的空氣動力學優勢,這是它們最重要的地方,並將已經超快的兩件式 Rapide 把手和 Tarmac SL7 龍頭組合的功率減少了 4 瓦。但要能夠提供領先優勢,提供致勝優勢,需要的不僅僅是純粹的空氣動力學而已。Roval 工程團隊的目標很簡單 - Rapide Cockpit 整合座艙必須是我們製造的最快的車把手,毫不妥協。它具有流線外型、輕量、堅硬的特點,並且與世界上最好的騎士們和我們的 Retül fit 專家們攜手共同設計。勝利,將在你的掌握之中。
氣動力學:移除龍頭和車把連接處的組件,使我們能夠將把手的前緣設計為單個完整翼型。 我們優化了這機翼形狀,以提供不論是在長時間的突圍單飛、或是世界巡迴賽終點全力衝刺的速度下,提供氣動力學的最大優勢。雖然 4 瓦的進化可能看起來是很小的數字,但在 250 米的最終衝刺中,將提供32 公分的領先優勢。當激烈的競賽,以終點推車決勝負時,這將是獲勝的優勢。
輕量且堅硬:透過移除龍頭的組件,Rapide Cockpit 整合座艙比兩件式 Rapide 把手和 Tarmac SL7 龍頭組合更輕量化 50 克(100 mm x 420 mm)。 Rapide Cockpit 整合座艙由頂級高模量碳纖維製成,可為世界巡迴賽中最強、最快的衝刺選手提供理想的剛性,其剛性重量比,相較我們製造的任何兩件式系統都要更高。
Fit:市面上一體式座艙長期以來一直有Fit的問題,但我們與 Retül Fit專家和世界上最好的騎士合作,以確保近乎每個騎士都能找到自己的合適的尺寸。我們提供 15 種不同的把手和龍頭組合,皆為 -6 度,提供競賽性能優勢。精心設計從上把位到下把位的形狀,不論是終點衝刺,或是以空力騎姿高速巡航,都能有合適的位置。彎曲與外傾角度,與我們最愛的 Rapide 把手相同。
- 空氣動力學設計,與傳統空氣動力學公路車把相比節省 4 瓦
- 材料:頂級高模量碳纖維,鈦合金龍頭螺絲
- 尺寸:15 種組合,從 (75mm x 380mm) 到 (125mm x 440cm)
- 彎曲:125mm drop x 75mm reach, 4 degrees flare at the drops
- 龍頭角度:6 度
- Steer Clamp直徑:31.8
- 重量:310 克(100 mm x 420 mm)
- 走線:Shimano、SRAM、Campagnolo(內走線/電變兼容)
- 兼容 Roval 碼錶座S219900058。
- 重量限制:275lbs / 125kg
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