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- New Era Premium snapback hat.
- Fabric Content: 100% Cotton Woven
- New Era Premium snapback hat.
- Fabric Content: 100% Cotton Woven

New Era Classic Specialized Hat
- New Era Premium snapback hat.
- Fabric Content: 100% Cotton Woven
- New Era Premium snapback hat.
- Fabric Content: 100% Cotton Woven
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If you’re looking for a versatile MTB shoe that can transition from hot laps in the park to cold beers at the base without missing a step, then look no further. The 2FO Roost Clip brings a casual, relaxed vibe with all the right DNA to get send... Read More
如果您正在尋找一款多功能的登山車鞋,想要它可以在登山車公園裡狂飆,到了山下小鎮啤酒攤都一路暢快的鞋款,那您就不用再找了。2FO Roost Clip骨子裡隨時都準備好帶您在車上飛馳的DNA,營造了隨性、輕鬆的氣場。結合了耐用皮革和紡織鞋面、緩衝EVA泡綿中底與不受拘束的合腳鞋楦,它能經得起日常的殘酷林道越野使用,卻又不失下車行走時的舒適性和外觀風格。最後但同樣重要的一點是,無論是否在林道中,SlipNot™ FG橡膠大底都會給您自信無比的抓地力。 Read More

2FO Roost Clip Mountain Bike Shoes
If you’re looking for a versatile MTB shoe that can transition from hot laps in the park to cold beers at the base without missing a step, then look no further. The 2FO Roost Clip brings a casual, relaxed vibe with all the right DNA to get sendy on the bike. It combines a durable leather and textile upper, cushioned EVA foam midsole and relaxed fit last that can stand up to the rigors of daily trail use without sacrificing off-the-bike comfort and style. Last but not least, a SlipNot™ FG rubber sole delivers confident traction on and off the trail.
- Body Geometry sole construction and footbeds are ergonomically designed and scientifically tested to boost power, increase efficiency, and reduce chance of injury by optimizing hip, knee, and foot alignment.
- Stiff Lollipop™ nylon composite plate for high performance pedaling and off-the-bike comfort.
- SlipNot™ FG rubber sole for confident traction.
- Extended length cleat slot (4mm) for rearward cleat set up option.
- Synthetic leather upper conforms to the foot and is built to last.
- Cushioned EVA foam midsole for comfort
- Relaxed Fit last for a balance of pedal feel and off-the-bike comfort.
- Two-bolt cleat pattern fits all major mountain pedals.
- Approximate weight: 367g (1/2 pair, Size 42)
如果您正在尋找一款多功能的登山車鞋,想要它可以在登山車公園裡狂飆,到了山下小鎮啤酒攤都一路暢快的鞋款,那您就不用再找了。2FO Roost Clip骨子裡隨時都準備好帶您在車上飛馳的DNA,營造了隨性、輕鬆的氣場。結合了耐用皮革和紡織鞋面、緩衝EVA泡綿中底與不受拘束的合腳鞋楦,它能經得起日常的殘酷林道越野使用,卻又不失下車行走時的舒適性和外觀風格。最後但同樣重要的一點是,無論是否在林道中,SlipNot™ FG橡膠大底都會給您自信無比的抓地力。
- Body Geometry鞋底結構與鞋墊符合人因工程學設計並經過科學測試,透過最佳化臀部、膝蓋和足部三者間的對齊,達到增強力量、提高效率並減少受傷機率之目的。
- Stiff Lollipop™尼龍複合材料鞋板可產生高效能踩踏與下車行走時的舒適性。
- SlipNot™ FG橡膠大底提供自信無比的抓地力。
- 加長的卡子安裝槽(4mm)便於安裝偏後卡子的選項。
- 合成皮革鞋面為足部提供舒適度,為經久耐用而生。
- 緩衝EVA泡綿中底產生舒適性。
- 不受拘束的合腳鞋楦在車上踩踏的足感與下車牽行的舒適性之間取得平衡。
- 雙螺栓鎖固卡子設計適合所有主流登山車卡踏。
- 重量:約367克(單支,尺碼42)
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The Zee Cage II has incredible holding power, and it's compatible with SWAT™ solutions for tool and storage integration. For easy bottle access, we also gave it a unique side-loading design that allows you take pulls from the right-hand side.Read More
The Zee Cage II has incredible holding power, and it's compatible with SWAT™ solutions for tool and storage integration. For easy bottle access, we also gave it a unique side-loading design that allows you take pulls from the right-hand side.Read More

Zee Cage II – Right
The Zee Cage II has incredible holding power, and it's compatible with SWAT™ solutions for tool and storage integration. For easy bottle access, we also gave it a unique side-loading design that allows you take pulls from the right-hand side.
- SWAT™-compatible design allows for storage and tool integration.
- Reinforced composite material improves durability without adding weight.
- Side-loading design allows for secure bottle retention with easy in-and-out accessibility for frames with a compact bottle mounting area.
- Right-hand loading on the down tube—left-hand loading on the seat tube.
- Sleek, minimalist design with razor-sharp graphics.
- Accepts SWAT™ Cage Mount MTB Tool.
- Accepts MTB SWAT™ Box (when used on compatible frames).
- Weight: 43g
The Zee Cage II has incredible holding power, and it's compatible with SWAT™ solutions for tool and storage integration. For easy bottle access, we also gave it a unique side-loading design that allows you take pulls from the right-hand side.
- SWAT™-compatible design allows for storage and tool integration.
- Reinforced composite material improves durability without adding weight.
- Side-loading design allows for secure bottle retention with easy in-and-out accessibility for frames with a compact bottle mounting area.
- Right-hand loading on the down tube—left-hand loading on the seat tube.
- Sleek, minimalist design with razor-sharp graphics.
- Accepts SWAT™ Cage Mount MTB Tool.
- Accepts MTB SWAT™ Box (when used on compatible frames).
- Weight: 43g
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The 2FO DH Flat is all about going fast and taking chances. Nearly vertical trail? No problem. Mega rock garden? Bring it on. Huge gap jump? Send it. Developed with the help of our world-class DH athletes and three-time reigning DH world champi... Read More
如果您正在尋找一款多功能的登山車鞋,想要它可以在登山車公園裡狂飆,到了山下小鎮啤酒攤都一路暢快的鞋款,那您就不用再找了。2FO Roost Clip骨子裡隨時都準備好帶您在車上飛馳的DNA,營造了隨性、輕鬆的氣場。結合了耐用皮革和紡織鞋面、緩衝EVA泡綿中底與不受拘束的合腳鞋楦,它能經得起日常的殘酷林道越野使用,卻又不失下車行走時的舒適性和外觀風格。最後但同樣重要的一點是,無論是否在林道中,SlipNot™ FG橡膠大底都會給您自信無比的抓地力。 Read More

2FO DH Flat Mountain Bike Shoes
The 2FO DH Flat is all about going fast and taking chances. Nearly vertical trail? No problem. Mega rock garden? Bring it on. Huge gap jump? Send it. Developed with the help of our world-class DH athletes and three-time reigning DH world champion Loic Bruni, we've built this shoe with the right amount of protection, hold, and style to give you the confidence to get sendy. Last but not least, a new SlipNot™ ST rubber sole delivers best-in-class pedal grip and connection when things get rowdy. It's the perfect shoe for going fast when the going gets gnarly.
- Built with Purpose. Backed by Science. Our Body Geometry trio of the Longitudinal Arch, Metatarsal Button, and Varus Wedge work together to increase efficiency, optimize hip, knee, and foot alignment, and reduce injury risks.
- Reinforced upper protects and holds the foot to take on the gnarliest terrain with confidence.
- SlipNot™ ST rubber sole for unsurpassed flat-pedal grip and connection.
- XPEL™ hydrophobic mesh construction reduces water absorption and dramatically improves drying time.
- Leather and textile upper with added protection keeps you comfortable and is built to last.
- Cushioned EVA foam midsole for comfort and impact absorption with shank layer for impact absorption and stability.
- Relaxed Fit last for a balance of pedal feel and off-the-bike comfort.
- Approximate weight: 395.9 grams
2FO DH Flat的核心就是要讓您更快,並抓住任何機會。幾乎垂直的小徑?沒問題!巨大的亂石區?來吧!深不可測的落差跳耀?就放手去吧!在世界一流的DH騎士和三屆衛冕世界冠軍的Loic Bruni幫助下開發的全新鞋款,具有適當的保護性、踏板抓握和風格質感,給您十足信心。最後!新的SlipNot™FG橡膠鞋底在遇到任何麻煩時,可提供一流的踏板抓握品質。這絕對是高速時面對困難路段時的最佳鞋款。
- 我們有目的性的打造鞋款,得到科學的支持。我們的Body Geometry人體工學「縱足弓支撐」、「蹠骨墊」和「內翻楔形」組合共同提高了效率,優化臀部、膝蓋和足部的穩定並降低受傷風險。
- 強化的上方結構可以保護足部並自信的站在最險峻的地形上。
- SlipNot™ST橡膠鞋底提供平踏板良好抓握表現。
- XPEL™疏水性網眼結構可減少吸水,並顯著改善乾燥時間。
- 皮面和紡織鞋面提供額外的保護,讓您保持騎乘時的舒適並耐用。
- 搭配襯墊的EVA發泡中底提供舒適性和吸收衝擊,緩衝同時也提供穩定性。
- 輕鬆合穿的踩踏感受,讓踩踏與日常穿搭都能達到平衡。
- 參考重量:395.9克
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The S-Works Carbon seatpost is constructed from FACT carbon, so you get the perfect blend of high durability, stiffness, and comfort. A cylindrical aluminum head assembly, meanwhile, makes fore/aft and tilt adjustments super easy with an easy-a... Read More
The S-Works Carbon seatpost is constructed from FACT carbon, so you get the perfect blend of high durability, stiffness, and comfort. A cylindrical aluminum head assembly, meanwhile, makes fore/aft and tilt adjustments super easy with an easy-a... Read More

S-Works Carbon Seatpost
The S-Works Carbon seatpost is constructed from FACT carbon, so you get the perfect blend of high durability, stiffness, and comfort. A cylindrical aluminum head assembly, meanwhile, makes fore/aft and tilt adjustments super easy with an easy-access, single-bolt design.
- FACT carbon construction blends high durability, stiffness, and comfort.
- Cylindrical aluminum head assembly adjusts fore-aft and tilt with an easy-access single bolt.
- Setback: 0mm / 10mm / 20mm
- Diameter: 27.2mm / 30.9mm
- Available in the following sizes:
- 27.2mm x 350mm x 20mm
- 27.2mm x 400mm x 20mm
- 27.2mm x 400mm x 0mm
- 30.9mm x 400mm x 10mm
The S-Works Carbon seatpost is constructed from FACT carbon, so you get the perfect blend of high durability, stiffness, and comfort. A cylindrical aluminum head assembly, meanwhile, makes fore/aft and tilt adjustments super easy with an easy-access, single-bolt design.
- FACT carbon construction blends high durability, stiffness, and comfort.
- Cylindrical aluminum head assembly adjusts fore-aft and tilt with an easy-access single bolt.
- Setback: 0mm / 10mm / 20mm
- Diameter: 27.2mm / 30.9mm
- Available in the following sizes:
- 27.2mm x 350mm x 20mm
- 27.2mm x 400mm x 20mm
- 27.2mm x 400mm x 0mm
- 30.9mm x 400mm x 10mm
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The least expensive way to ditch 40+ grams of rotating weight is with our Turbo Talc Tubes. A patented, oversized 4.8cm valve base prevents tearing, while a partially threaded valve stem provides a clean interface with pumps. Our lightest and m... Read More
The least expensive way to ditch 40+ grams of rotating weight is with our Turbo Talc Tubes. A patented, oversized 4.8cm valve base prevents tearing, while a partially threaded valve stem provides a clean interface with pumps. Our lightest and m... Read More

Turbo Presta Valve Tube with Talc
The least expensive way to ditch 40+ grams of rotating weight is with our Turbo Talc Tubes. A patented, oversized 4.8cm valve base prevents tearing, while a partially threaded valve stem provides a clean interface with pumps. Our lightest and most supple tube offering, it's also been proven in rolling-resistance testing to reduce drag by as much as 13% per wheel.
- Packed in talc for easier installation.
- 4.8cm valve base prevents issues of valves tearing off.
- Smooth at the top for easier pump head insertion and reduced wear on pump internals.
- Thinner tube design saves approximately 40 grams of rotating weight.
- Thickness: 0.6mm
The least expensive way to ditch 40+ grams of rotating weight is with our Turbo Talc Tubes. A patented, oversized 4.8cm valve base prevents tearing, while a partially threaded valve stem provides a clean interface with pumps. Our lightest and most supple tube offering, it's also been proven in rolling-resistance testing to reduce drag by as much as 13% per wheel.
- Packed in talc for easier installation.
- 4.8cm valve base prevents issues of valves tearing off.
- Smooth at the top for easier pump head insertion and reduced wear on pump internals.
- Thinner tube design saves approximately 40 grams of rotating weight.
- Thickness: 0.6mm
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Just because winning an XC World Cup isn’t on your to-do list, doesn’t mean you don’t value performance and comfort. Recon 2.0 is your shoe. Inspired by S-Works Recon, with Body Geometry comfort and efficiency, Recon 2.0 puts all that performan... Read More
如果您正在尋找一款多功能的登山車鞋,想要它可以在登山車公園裡狂飆,到了山下小鎮啤酒攤都一路暢快的鞋款,那您就不用再找了。2FO Roost Clip骨子裡隨時都準備好帶您在車上飛馳的DNA,營造了隨性、輕鬆的氣場。結合了耐用皮革和紡織鞋面、緩衝EVA泡綿中底與不受拘束的合腳鞋楦,它能經得起日常的殘酷林道越野使用,卻又不失下車行走時的舒適性和外觀風格。最後但同樣重要的一點是,無論是否在林道中,SlipNot™ FG橡膠大底都會給您自信無比的抓地力。 Read More

Recon 2.0 Mountain Bike Shoes
Just because winning an XC World Cup isn’t on your to-do list, doesn’t mean you don’t value performance and comfort. Recon 2.0 is your shoe. Inspired by S-Works Recon, with Body Geometry comfort and efficiency, Recon 2.0 puts all that performance within easy reach.
Using our exclusive STRIDE toe-flex technology, the nylon outsole uses a TPU injected forefoot for natural movement off-bike, while still providing a stiffness index of 6.0 for in the saddle performance. We’ve also lifted the heel for an even more natural feeling while walking.
To create traction off the bike in wet or dry, gravel or dirt, we’ve covered the nylon outsole with our SlipNot compound. If the traction's needed in the wet, you can also rest easy knowing the XPEL mesh used through the Recon 2.0 won’t get bogged down with water and will dry exceptionally quickly. No more wet shoes the morning after a wet ride.
An L6-Snap Boa and a Velcro forefoot closure ensure micro-adjustable comfort with a secure fit designed for all-day comfort and performance, whether your ride calls for open gravel, twisting single track, and even more than your fair share of hike-a-bike.
- Body Geometry sole and footbed are built with purpose and backed by science to boost power, increase efficiency, and reduce the chance of injury by optimizing hip, knee, and foot alignment.
- Injection STRIDE toe-flex technology allows for natural toe movement off-bike but remains stiff for pedaling: Stiffness index 6.0
- Welded upper reduces seams for superior step-in comfort.
- BOA® L6-Snap dials for on-the-fly micro-adjustment.
- SlipNot™ rubber tread for confident traction on all terrain.
- Two-bolt cleat pattern fits all major MTB pedals.
- Approximate weight: 357g (1/2 pair, Size 42)
雖然拿下XC世界盃勝利不在您的待辦事項清單上,但這並不意味著您不重視性能與舒適性。 Recon 2.0就是您的車鞋。受到S-Works Recon啟發,憑藉Body Geometry人體工學的舒適性與效率,Recon 2.0將所有這些性能都變得觸手可及。
為了在潮濕或乾燥、礫石或泥土上產生下車步行的抓地力,我們在尼龍外底上覆蓋了SlipNot化合物。如果在潮濕環境中需要抓地力,您也可以高枕無憂,因為Recon 2.0採用的XPEL網布不會吸收水份,而且能迅速風乾。經過一天濕答答的騎乘後,隔天早上再也不用擔心穿到濕鞋子。
無論您是騎在開闊的碎石路、蜿蜒的單徑,甚至是超乎您預期的牽車步行,L6-Snap Boa與Velcro前掌包覆確保微調舒適度,穩固的貼合設計可提供全天的舒適度與性能。
- Body Geometry人體工學設計鞋底與鞋墊經過專門設計並以科學為後盾,通過最佳化臀部、膝蓋與腳部之間的對齊,來提高力量、增進效率,並減少受傷的機率。
- STRIDE趾部彎曲技術讓腳趾在下車步行時,仍能自然的運動,但在踩踏時還可保持剛性:剛性指數6.0
- 融焊鞋面減少接縫,產生絕佳的穿著舒適度。
- BOA® L6-Snap旋鈕用於即時微調。
- SlipNot™橡膠底紋可在所有地形上提供可靠的抓地力。
- 雙螺栓卡子設計適合所有主流的MTB踏板。
- 重量約357克(單隻,尺碼42)
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Our Trail Air Gloves have been designed for maximum ventilation. With a micro-vented, perforated palm, a lightweight breathable back of hand, and power knit mesh between your fingers, these gloves are ready for even the hottest trail days.
<... Read MoreOur Trail Air Gloves have been designed for maximum ventilation. With a micro-vented, perforated palm, a lightweight breathable back of hand, and power knit mesh between your fingers, these gloves are ready for even the hottest trail days.
<... Read More
Men's Trail Air Gloves
Our Trail Air Gloves have been designed for maximum ventilation. With a micro-vented, perforated palm, a lightweight breathable back of hand, and power knit mesh between your fingers, these gloves are ready for even the hottest trail days.
- Perforated palm is micro-vented for sublime breathability.
- Lightweight and highly breathable back of hand fabric keeps things cool.
- Power knit mesh between your fingers allows for maximum air flow.
- Embossed neoprene cuff features small perforations for wrist closures that are clean, comfortable, and secure.
- Compatible with conductive touchscreens.
- Fabric Content: BACK OF HAND: 82% Nylon, 18% PU, PALM: 80% Polyester, 20% Spandex
Our Trail Air Gloves have been designed for maximum ventilation. With a micro-vented, perforated palm, a lightweight breathable back of hand, and power knit mesh between your fingers, these gloves are ready for even the hottest trail days.
- Perforated palm is micro-vented for sublime breathability.
- Lightweight and highly breathable back of hand fabric keeps things cool.
- Power knit mesh between your fingers allows for maximum air flow.
- Embossed neoprene cuff features small perforations for wrist closures that are clean, comfortable, and secure.
- Compatible with conductive touchscreens.
- Fabric Content: BACK OF HAND: 82% Nylon, 18% PU, PALM: 80% Polyester, 20% Spandex
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- 3D-forged and CNC-machined, 6061 aluminum, road/MTB-compatible stem.
- 4-bolt oversized 31.8mm handlebar interface with re... Read More
如果您正在尋找一款多功能的登山車鞋,想要它可以在登山車公園裡狂飆,到了山下小鎮啤酒攤都一路暢快的鞋款,那您就不用再找了。2FO Roost Clip骨子裡隨時都準備好帶您在車上飛馳的DNA,營造了隨性、輕鬆的氣場。結合了耐用皮革和紡織鞋面、緩衝EVA泡綿中底與不受拘束的合腳鞋楦,它能經得起日常的殘酷林道越野使用,卻又不失下車行走時的舒適性和外觀風格。最後但同樣重要的一點是,無論是否在林道中,SlipNot™ FG橡膠大底都會給您自信無比的抓地力。 Read More

Comp Multi Stem
- 3D-forged and CNC-machined, 6061 aluminum, road/MTB-compatible stem.
- 4-bolt oversized 31.8mm handlebar interface with relieved faceplate.
- Equipped with top cap and 4-degree, 2-degree, and 0-degree shims.
- Available in 12-degree, 17-degree, and 24-degree angles.
- 12-degree: 10 position angle range: +/- 8-degree to 16-degree, in 2-degree increments.
- 17-degree: 10 position angle range, +/- 13-degree to 21-degree, in 2-degree increments.
- 24-degree: 10 position angle range: +/- 20-degree to 28-degree, in 2-degree increments.
- Compatible with composite handlebars.
- Approx. weight: 188g (110mm)
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The 3D-forged and CNC-machined S-Works SL stem is sleek, stiff, lightweight, and strong. It comes in six different length options, features a six-degree rise, and weighs 110-115g in its 110mm option.
- 3D-forged and CNC-machined, 7075... Read More
The 3D-forged and CNC-machined S-Works SL stem is sleek, stiff, lightweight, and strong. It comes in six different length options, features a six-degree rise, and weighs 110-115g in its 110mm option.
- 3D-forged and CNC-machined, 7075... Read More

S-Works SL Stem with Expander Plug
The 3D-forged and CNC-machined S-Works SL stem is sleek, stiff, lightweight, and strong. It comes in six different length options, features a six-degree rise, and weighs 110-115g in its 110mm option.
- 3D-forged and CNC-machined, 7075 aluminum road stem .
- Includes expander plug for carbon steerer tubes and titanium hardware.
- Lengths: 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130mm
- Rise: 6, 12, or 17 degree rise
- Weight: 110-115g (for 110mm)
- Clamp Diameter: 31.8mm
- Clamp Height: 40mm
- Steerer Tube: 1-1/8”
The 3D-forged and CNC-machined S-Works SL stem is sleek, stiff, lightweight, and strong. It comes in six different length options, features a six-degree rise, and weighs 110-115g in its 110mm option.
- 3D-forged and CNC-machined, 7075 aluminum road stem .
- Includes expander plug for carbon steerer tubes and titanium hardware.
- Lengths: 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130mm
- Rise: 6, 12, or 17 degree rise
- Weight: 110-115g (for 110mm)
- Clamp Diameter: 31.8mm
- Clamp Height: 40mm
- Steerer Tube: 1-1/8”
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The S-Works Prevail 3 helmet is perfect for riders who value the comfort and thermoregulation benefits that superior ventilation delivers. It is the ultimate all-around helmet that excels in hot conditions, strenuous climbs, and mountainous sta... Read More
如果您正在尋找一款多功能的登山車鞋,想要它可以在登山車公園裡狂飆,到了山下小鎮啤酒攤都一路暢快的鞋款,那您就不用再找了。2FO Roost Clip骨子裡隨時都準備好帶您在車上飛馳的DNA,營造了隨性、輕鬆的氣場。結合了耐用皮革和紡織鞋面、緩衝EVA泡綿中底與不受拘束的合腳鞋楦,它能經得起日常的殘酷林道越野使用,卻又不失下車行走時的舒適性和外觀風格。最後但同樣重要的一點是,無論是否在林道中,SlipNot™ FG橡膠大底都會給您自信無比的抓地力。 Read More

S-Works Prevail 3
The S-Works Prevail 3 helmet is perfect for riders who value the comfort and thermoregulation benefits that superior ventilation delivers. It is the ultimate all-around helmet that excels in hot conditions, strenuous climbs, and mountainous stages.
With a never-ending quest to push the limits of ventilation, we eliminated air-blocking foam “bridges” from the center, effectively creating thru-air channels that increase the surface area of ventilation by 24.5% compared to the S-Works Prevail II Vent helmet. The all-new S-Works Prevail 3 has the most ventilation area of any helmet we have ever made.
When a helmet is impacted, its job is to dissipate the energy of the impact. The conventional approach to helmet design is that more foam (EPS) means better energy management. We re-wrote the book on cycling helmet design by innovating beyond foam. Woven aramid “cables” traverse the helmet and are anchored to carbon fiber side panels. Upon impact, the AirCage technology* works as a suspension bridge and is designed to distribute localized forces throughout the helmet.
The Occipital Base Adjustment optimizes comfort by personalizing fit to individual head shape and helmet angle can be adjusted for compatibility with glasses. An adjustable Tri-Fix web system gives riders added comfort with updated, thinner 10mm webbing that minimizes strap noise. And the ultralight Mindset micro-dial fit system with height adjustability has been updated for improved grip and reaction for easy on-the-go fit.
Our ultralight and supremely comfortable MIPS Node Air technology is integrated directly into the helmet padding, with a sleek low friction layer designed to dissipate rotational forces. With Specialized’s proprietary development work, we added perforations to maximize breathability, performance, comfort, and weight savings.
For helmets sold in the U.S. and Canada: Complies with U.S. CPSC Safety Standard for Bicycle Helmets for Persons Age 5 and Older.
- AirCage innovation increases airflow.
- Precision, full-wrap polycarbonate shell for increased durability and premium finish.
- MIPS Air Node technology is MIPS’ most ventilation-focused solution.
- Adjustable Tri-Fix web splitter boosts comfort through personalized fit.
- Occipital Base Adjustment optimizes comfort and compatibility with glasses.
對於重視絕佳通風性所帶來的舒適性和體溫調節優勢的騎士,S-Works Prevail 3 安全帽就是他們的最佳選擇。它是終極的全能型安全帽,在炎熱的狀態、艱苦的攀爬和登山分站中提供最佳的優勢。
我們不斷追求突破通風性的極限,在中央部位消除了阻斷氣流的「架橋結構」,有效地創造了通風道。與 S-Works Prevail II Vent 安全帽相比,通風道表面積增加了 24.5%。全新 S-Works Prevail 3 是我們製造的所有產品中,具有最大的通風面積安全帽。
當安全帽受到撞擊時,它的工作是消散撞擊的能量。傳統的安全帽設計,更多的發泡材料(EPS)就代表更好的能量管理。但我們以超越發泡材料的方法,革新了自行車安全帽設計概念。藉由編織布局的芳綸纖維「纜線」穿過安全帽,並固定在碳纖維側板上。在遭受撞擊時,AirCage 科技將如同吊橋一樣反應,設計目的是要將局部衝擊力量分散到整個安全帽中。
枕骨基座調整系統藉由符合每個人頭型的個人化貼合度,達到舒適度最佳化。此外,安全帽角度可針對風鏡的相容性進行最佳化。可調式 Tri-Fix 帽帶系統為騎士提供額外的舒適度和個人化的貼合度。同時更新,更薄的 10mm 帽帶還可將帽帶噪音最低化。準 ANGi 系統、超輕量 Mindset 微轉盤貼合系統具有高度調整性,可提供完美貼合。更新之後改善固定力和反應性,便於隨時調整貼合度 。
我們超輕量、極舒適的 MIPS Air Node 技術直接整合到安全帽襯墊中,具備光滑的低摩擦層,可消散旋轉力道。藉由 Specialized 的獨家開發工法,我們增加開孔,將透氣性、性能、舒適性最大化,並同時減輕重量。
- AirCage 創新技術增加氣流
- 精密全包覆聚碳酸酯外殼,提昇耐用性並具備精緻頂級外觀
- MIPS Air Node - MIPS 最佳通風性解決方案
- 可調式 Tri-Fix 帽帶藉由個人化的貼合度提高舒適性
- 枕骨基座調整系統(Occipital Base Adjustment)最佳化舒適度與風鏡相容性
- 準 ANGi Mindset 貼合系統,提高固定力和反應性,便於隨時調整貼合度
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- Super S... Read More
- Super S... Read More

Supacaz Super Sticky Kush Classic Tape
- Super Sticky PU (top layer): Superior supple hand feel with long lasting performance. Extremely advanced polyurethane that remains tacky in wet conditions. Highly resistant to UV rays, climate, and sweat. Classic collection celebrates cycling with the most recognized colors.
- Kush Foam (middle layer): Exclusive compound that maximizes dampening via a nano amount of foam. Shock absorbing qualities that drastically improve bike handling in the corners, downhill, and in rough conditions.
- Emboss: The tape is completed with the embossment of the beloved Supacaz pattern. The embossment creates the unique Supacaz look and wicks away moisture which maximizes grip.
- Star Plugz: Aluminum Bar Plugs, Screw&Expand (3mm), Anodized or Powder Coated, Laser Etched logo
- Finish Tape: High-End Rubberized Tape (Multi-Use), Supacaz Pattern Frost Print
- Super Sticky PU (top layer): Superior supple hand feel with long lasting performance. Extremely advanced polyurethane that remains tacky in wet conditions. Highly resistant to UV rays, climate, and sweat. Classic collection celebrates cycling with the most recognized colors.
- Kush Foam (middle layer): Exclusive compound that maximizes dampening via a nano amount of foam. Shock absorbing qualities that drastically improve bike handling in the corners, downhill, and in rough conditions.
- Emboss: The tape is completed with the embossment of the beloved Supacaz pattern. The embossment creates the unique Supacaz look and wicks away moisture which maximizes grip.
- Star Plugz: Aluminum Bar Plugs, Screw&Expand (3mm), Anodized or Powder Coated, Laser Etched logo
- Finish Tape: High-End Rubberized Tape (Multi-Use), Supacaz Pattern Frost Print
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Our Women’s Body Geometry Dual-Gel gloves are all about comfort, and are specifically tailored for female riders. They feature strategically placed gel pads throughout the palm to alleviate hand fatigue by relieving pressure on the ulnar nerve.... Read More
Our Women’s Body Geometry Dual-Gel gloves are all about comfort, and are specifically tailored for female riders. They feature strategically placed gel pads throughout the palm to alleviate hand fatigue by relieving pressure on the ulnar nerve.... Read More

Women's Body Geometry Dual-Gel Gloves
Our Women’s Body Geometry Dual-Gel gloves are all about comfort, and are specifically tailored for female riders. They feature strategically placed gel pads throughout the palm to alleviate hand fatigue by relieving pressure on the ulnar nerve. This design also comes with the added benefit of minimizing hand numbness, as well as reducing many other negative effects that come as a result of road vibrations. Breathability has also been accounted for at the back of the hand, and this means less sweat buildup, while a secure fit is ensured by a contoured Velcro® closure.
- Synthetic suede palm is made from a thin microfiber to combine durability with exceptional grip and comfort.
- Body Geometry Dual Gel padding uses two layers of gel that provide exceptional impact and vibration damping without compromising bar grip or control.
- Combination of breathable mesh at the upper and soft Lycra® make for a durable and comfortable top of hand.
- Soft and absorbent Microwipe™ thumb brushes away sweat with ease.
- Contoured Velcro® wrist closure offers easy adjustment and entry/exit from the gloves.
- Reflective elements increase your visibility to motorists in low-light conditions.
Our Women’s Body Geometry Dual-Gel gloves are all about comfort, and are specifically tailored for female riders. They feature strategically placed gel pads throughout the palm to alleviate hand fatigue by relieving pressure on the ulnar nerve. This design also comes with the added benefit of minimizing hand numbness, as well as reducing many other negative effects that come as a result of road vibrations. Breathability has also been accounted for at the back of the hand, and this means less sweat buildup, while a secure fit is ensured by a contoured Velcro® closure.
- Synthetic suede palm is made from a thin microfiber to combine durability with exceptional grip and comfort.
- Body Geometry Dual Gel padding uses two layers of gel that provide exceptional impact and vibration damping without compromising bar grip or control.
- Combination of breathable mesh at the upper and soft Lycra® make for a durable and comfortable top of hand.
- Soft and absorbent Microwipe™ thumb brushes away sweat with ease.
- Contoured Velcro® wrist closure offers easy adjustment and entry/exit from the gloves.
- Reflective elements increase your visibility to motorists in low-light conditions.
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Pulling on an extra layer when the thermometer's rising might seem counterintuitive, but a proper base layer, like the Women's SL Sleeveless Base Layer, can make all the difference.
Wearing a lightweight base layer helps wick sweat away ... Read More
Pulling on an extra layer when the thermometer's rising might seem counterintuitive, but a proper base layer, like the Women's SL Sleeveless Base Layer, can make all the difference.
Wearing a lightweight base layer helps wick sweat away ... Read More

Women's SL Sleeveless Base Layer
Pulling on an extra layer when the thermometer's rising might seem counterintuitive, but a proper base layer, like the Women's SL Sleeveless Base Layer, can make all the difference.
Wearing a lightweight base layer helps wick sweat away from the body, generating an even greater cooling effect. This is all due to the wicking properties of our VaporRize™ mesh fabric.
To top it off, features like soft-puff stitching eliminate abrasion-inducing seams, while our Slim Fit conforms to your body.
- VaporRize™ mesh fabrics are engineered to rapidly wick moisture away from the skin, keeping you cool, dry, and comfortable in any condition.
- Cycling-specific fit and construction complement your movements in the saddle, while also allowing ample room for layering, eliminating bulk.
- Soft puff stitching gets rid of chafing by greatly reducing the number of seams.
- Women's-specific Form Fit closely and precisely conforms to the curves of the body, ensuring an unrivaled level of fit.
- Fabric Content: Knit 93% Polyester, 7% Elastane
Pulling on an extra layer when the thermometer's rising might seem counterintuitive, but a proper base layer, like the Women's SL Sleeveless Base Layer, can make all the difference.
Wearing a lightweight base layer helps wick sweat away from the body, generating an even greater cooling effect. This is all due to the wicking properties of our VaporRize™ mesh fabric.
To top it off, features like soft-puff stitching eliminate abrasion-inducing seams, while our Slim Fit conforms to your body.
- VaporRize™ mesh fabrics are engineered to rapidly wick moisture away from the skin, keeping you cool, dry, and comfortable in any condition.
- Cycling-specific fit and construction complement your movements in the saddle, while also allowing ample room for layering, eliminating bulk.
- Soft puff stitching gets rid of chafing by greatly reducing the number of seams.
- Women's-specific Form Fit closely and precisely conforms to the curves of the body, ensuring an unrivaled level of fit.
- Fabric Content: Knit 93% Polyester, 7% Elastane
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S-Works 7 Road Shoes - Sagan Collection: Disruption
Part No.: 61022-9036
零件編號: 61022-9036
Size: OSFA
尺寸: OSFA
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Take a step back in time with us as we cruise the sun-drenched South of France with Peter Sagan. The new Sagan Collection—Disruption—brings to life the fearless racing style of the ‘70s rouleurs with Peter Sagan’s larger-than-life personality a... Read More
如果您正在尋找一款多功能的登山車鞋,想要它可以在登山車公園裡狂飆,到了山下小鎮啤酒攤都一路暢快的鞋款,那您就不用再找了。2FO Roost Clip骨子裡隨時都準備好帶您在車上飛馳的DNA,營造了隨性、輕鬆的氣場。結合了耐用皮革和紡織鞋面、緩衝EVA泡綿中底與不受拘束的合腳鞋楦,它能經得起日常的殘酷林道越野使用,卻又不失下車行走時的舒適性和外觀風格。最後但同樣重要的一點是,無論是否在林道中,SlipNot™ FG橡膠大底都會給您自信無比的抓地力。 Read More

S-Works 7 Road Shoes - Sagan Collection: Disruption
Take a step back in time with us as we cruise the sun-drenched South of France with Peter Sagan. The new Sagan Collection—Disruption—brings to life the fearless racing style of the ‘70s rouleurs with Peter Sagan’s larger-than-life personality at its heart. It’s the ultimate expression of this disruptive rider and his stylish ways—unmistakable and unmistakably Peter.
What makes the perfect cycling shoe? Is it exceptional power transfer? Superior Comfort? Undeniable style? The simple answer is "yes" to all of the above. With the S-Works 7 Road, you get shoes with no compromises.
We took a no-holds-barred approach to transferring every bit of your power to the pedals. The lighter and stiffer Powerline™ carbon sole is new and brought to you by the same team that developed Rider-First Engineering. Why's this special? Because it led to our lightest and stiffest carbon outsole to date. A completely refined Padlock™ Heel, meanwhile, packs in more comfort with the same exceptional heel hold that you found in the previous iteration. And finally, the space-grade Dyneema™ material used in the upper doesn’t stretch when pulled on, making sure that your foot stays where it’s supposed to. With these all features combined, you can be sure that we’ve kept in line with the motto “every watt is sacred.”
In the comfort arena, we kept all of the Body Geometry features you know and love, like the Longitudinal Arch, Varus Wedge, and Metatarsal Button. Each one of these features have been ergonomically designed and scientifically tested to not only boost power, but also to increase efficiency and reduce the risk of injury. We also took luxury into account by designing the S-Works 7 to have form that complements its function, so you'll find seams that are bonded together, rather than sewn, cleaning up the lines and contouring to your foot with slipper-like comfort. The custom CNC’d alloy Boa® dials also add some panache, but they also feature durable spring clutch internals and precise, one-millimeter micro-adjustments that let you perfectly dial in your fit.
The S-Works 7 embodies everything we know about footwear, compacted into one shoe with no compromises and no shortcuts—just explosive speed and superior comfort.
- Body Geometry sole and footbed are ergonomically designed and scientifically tested to boost power, increase efficiency, and reduce the chance of injury by optimizing hip, knee, and foot alignment.
- Our stiffest and lightest FACT Powerline™ carbon plate maximizes power transfer: Stiffness Index 15.0
- Dyneema® Mesh is trapped between layers of four-way stretch mesh and TPU to create no-stretch zones for the ultimate connection and comfort.
- Independent alloy BOA® S3-Snap dials for on-the-fly micro-adjustment, backed by the BOA® Lifetime Guarantee.
- PadLock™ heel construction cradles the heel and is proven to improve acceleration.
- Titanium alloy cleat nuts can rotate to position pedal/cleats 5mm rearward.
- Non-slip, replaceable heel tread with internally recessed screws for security.
- Form Fit last with a roomy toe box for the ultimate in connectivity and comfort.
- Three-bolt cleat pattern fits all major road pedals.
- Approximate weight: 224g (1/2 pair, Size 42)
請和我們後退一步,與Peter Sagan一起悠遊在陽光普照的法國南部。全新的Sagan精選系列 – Disruption - 以Peter Sagan超越常人的個性為精神,喚醒70年代全能公路車手無畏的競賽風格。這個精選系列是這位顛覆性車手和他奮戰精神的終極展現 - 就是獨一無二的Peter。
是什麼造就了完美的車鞋?是絕佳的功率傳遞?是極度舒適?還是無可挑剔的風格?上述所有問題簡單的答案皆為「是」。S-Works 7公路車鞋是一雙毫不妥協的車鞋。我們採取了一種無所限制的方法,將您的每一分力量都轉移到踏板上。由開發Rider-First Engineering騎士優先科技的同一團隊所研發,為您帶來全新更輕量、更堅硬的Powerline™碳纖鞋底。為什麼這很特別?因為它造就了我們迄今為止最輕、最硬的碳纖外底。完全改進的Padlock™鞋跟,具有與上一代相同的卓越鞋跟固定方式,同時產生更舒適的包覆感。最後,鞋面使用的航太級Dyneema™材料,在穿鞋時不會拉伸,確保您的腳保持在應有的位置。結合所有這些功能,您可以確定我們一直遵循「一瓦都不能少」座右銘。
在舒適度方面,我們保留了您熟悉與喜愛的所有Body Geometry人體工學科技特色,如縱向足弓支撐、內翻楔形和蹠骨鈕。這每一項功能都經過人因工程學設計和科學測試,不僅可以提高功率,還可以提升效能並降低受傷風險。我們還將「奢華」考慮在內,把S-Works 7設計為具有與其功能相輔相成的形式。因此您會發現接縫以粘合方式連接,而不是車縫的。如此清除了車逢線與表面凸起,並為您提供了拖鞋般的舒適感。客製化的CNC合金Boa®旋鈕增加了些許華麗,具有耐用的彈簧定位內部結構,提供精確到一毫米微調間距,完美地符合您的最適騎姿。
S-Works 7內含了所有我們對車鞋了解的知識,毫不妥協、不偷懶地將所有技術精鍊到一支鞋中 - 產生爆炸性的速度與絕佳的舒適度。
- Body Geometry人體工學鞋底和鞋墊,透過人因工程學設計和科學測試,藉由最佳化髖部、膝部與足部三者之間的對齊,來提高功率、增進效率並減少受傷的機會。
- 我們最硬、最輕量的FACT Powerline™碳纖板,可將力量傳遞最大化:硬度15.0。
- Dyneema®網布,夾在四向彈力網布和TPU層之間,產生無拉伸區域,實現終極的連接性與舒適度。
- 獨立的鋁合金BOA® S3-Snap旋鈕可進行即時微調,BOA®還提供終身保固。PadLock™鞋跟結構包覆腳跟,經驗證可提高加速度。
- 可旋轉的鈦合金卡子螺栓,可將踏板/卡子向後移動5mm。
- 止滑、可更換的鞋跟底,帶有內部螺絲以確保穩固定位。
- Form Fit楦型,鞋頭寬敞 實現終極連接性和舒適性。
- Form Fit具有寬大的楦頭空間,提供終極連接性和舒適性。
- 三螺栓卡子鎖固方式,適合所有主流公路車踏板。
- 重量約224克(單支,尺寸42號)
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Supacaz Super Sticky Kush Star Fade Tape
- Super Sticky PU (top layer): Superior supple hand feel with long lasting performance. Extremely advanced polyurethane that remains tacky in wet conditions. Highly resistant to UV rays, climate, and sweat.
- Kush Foam (middle layer): Exclusive compound that maximizes dampening via a nano amount of foam. Shock absorbing qualities that drastically improve bike handling in the corners, downhill, and in rough conditions.
- Emboss: The tape is completed with the embossment of the beloved Supacaz pattern. The embossment creates the unique Supacaz look and wicks away moisture which maximizes grip.
- Star Plugz: Aluminum Bar Plugs, Screw & Expand (3mm), Anodized or Powder Coated, Laser Etched logo
- Finish Tape: High-End Rubberized Tape (Multi-Use), Supacaz Pattern Frost Print
- Super Sticky PU (top layer): Superior supple hand feel with long lasting performance. Extremely advanced polyurethane that remains tacky in wet conditions. Highly resistant to UV rays, climate, and sweat.
- Kush Foam (middle layer): Exclusive compound that maximizes dampening via a nano amount of foam. Shock absorbing qualities that drastically improve bike handling in the corners, downhill, and in rough conditions.
- Emboss: The tape is completed with the embossment of the beloved Supacaz pattern. The embossment creates the unique Supacaz look and wicks away moisture which maximizes grip.
- Star Plugz: Aluminum Bar Plugs, Screw & Expand (3mm), Anodized or Powder Coated, Laser Etched logo
- Finish Tape: High-End Rubberized Tape (Multi-Use), Supacaz Pattern Frost Print
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The Trail Wind Jacket is the perfect option for windy days with the chance of showers—its polyester shell features best-in-class breathability, while providing light water resistance. And yeah, you can wear it to your favorite pizza joint on a ... Read More
The Trail Wind Jacket is the perfect option for windy days with the chance of showers—its polyester shell features best-in-class breathability, while providing light water resistance. And yeah, you can wear it to your favorite pizza joint on a ... Read More

Men's Trail Wind Jacket
The Trail Wind Jacket is the perfect option for windy days with the chance of showers—its polyester shell features best-in-class breathability, while providing light water resistance. And yeah, you can wear it to your favorite pizza joint on a breezy evening.
.- Minimal bulk and a built-in pocket helps it fit into any pocket, pack or bike equipped with SWAT.
- Integrated hood with fixed elastic for perfect fit and added weather protection.
- Fabric Content: 91% Nylon, 9% Spandex
The Trail Wind Jacket is the perfect option for windy days with the chance of showers—its polyester shell features best-in-class breathability, while providing light water resistance. And yeah, you can wear it to your favorite pizza joint on a breezy evening.
.- Minimal bulk and a built-in pocket helps it fit into any pocket, pack or bike equipped with SWAT.
- Integrated hood with fixed elastic for perfect fit and added weather protection.
- Fabric Content: 91% Nylon, 9% Spandex
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