Epic 8 EVO Pro Frameset
Part No.: 70324-1002
The fastest downcountry bike in the world. Epic 8 EVO is the dressed up, cranked-to-11 expression of the new Epic 8. Spec’d to slay downcountry terrain with its unmatched combo of capability, efficiency, and light weight, Epic 8 EVO’s updated k... Read More
世界上最快的downcountry激進 XC 登山車。Epic 8 EVO 是裝備最華麗新款 Epic 8 的化身。Epic 8 EVO 搭載新一代機動力學設計,具有超乎想像的爬坡效率,同時以無可匹敵的「性能」、「效率」和「輕量」組合,征服downcountry激進 XC 的下坡地形—並且 Ride Dynamics
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Epic 8 EVO Pro Frameset
The fastest downcountry bike in the world. Epic 8 EVO is the dressed up, cranked-to-11 expression of the new Epic 8. Spec’d to slay downcountry terrain with its unmatched combo of capability, efficiency, and light weight, Epic 8 EVO’s updated kinematics allow for insanely efficient climbing—while the Ride Dynamics-tuned shock eats up rough terrain on the way down.
If ripping single track at blazing fast speeds and high fiving your friends is your idea of fun, the Epic 8 EVO is the bike for you.
UNMATCHED CAPABILITY: The most capable 120mm bike on the planet, made even more capable. You’ll be blown away by how Epic 8 EVO’s progressive geometry delivers technical terrain capability alongside fast and efficient climbing and acceleration performance. The absurd lateral and torsional rigidity of the chassis translates to some seriously precision handling, too. With a bump up to 130mm of travel up front to eat up the chunk and a slew of trail-friendly specs, Epic 8 EVO feels right at home on the rough stuff.
WHAT BUMP?: Compared to the previous generation, the new Epic 8 EVO absorbs 12% more bump and vibration forces, leaving you less fatigued and more powerful over time. That opens the options for another lap (or 3).
RIDE DYNAMICS TUNED: The Specialized Ride Dynamics team developed custom valving for Epic 8 EVO’s new shock. Our team prescribes the special damping characteristics to holistically elevate the riding experience. By tuning the dampers alongside the chassis’ leverage rates and new kinematics, we’re able to deliver a bike that rides above the sum of its parts.
BIOMECHANICAL EFFICIENCY: By optimizing the kinematics of the suspension, Specialized’s Ride Dynamics team reduced inefficient pedal-induced bobbing by 20%, maintaining active suspension for effective bump force management, to ensure you remain in the most efficient pedaling position. It’s the most efficient pedaling suspension bike we’ve ever tested.
MORE WITH LESS: With the Epic 8 EVO, we didn’t spend a single extra gram to get mega capability from the frame. All models now feature SWAT 4.0 to carry all your trail essentials, and an integrated steering stop to prevent the ubiquitous top tube scar the first time you crash and your bars spin.
- FACT 11m Carbon
- Progressive XC geometry
- SWAT 4.0 in downtube to carry trail essentials
- Ride Dynamics tuned FOX Float Factory
世界上最快的downcountry激進 XC 登山車。Epic 8 EVO 是裝備最華麗新款 Epic 8 的化身。Epic 8 EVO 搭載新一代機動力學設計,具有超乎想像的爬坡效率,同時以無可匹敵的「性能」、「效率」和「輕量」組合,征服downcountry激進 XC 的下坡地形—並且 Ride Dynamics 騎乘力學特調後避震器將吞噬所有下坡路徑中的崎嶇地形。
如果以極高的速度馳騁單軌小徑,並和朋友痛快擊掌是您的樂趣所在,那 Epic 8 EVO 自行車就是您的菜。
無與倫比的能力:地表能力最強的 120mm 自行車,甚至還更強。Epic 8 EVO 漸進式幾何結構所產生的技巧性地形處理能力,以及快速高效的爬坡力和加速性,都將令您感到驚嘆不已。車架近乎荒謬的橫向和扭轉剛性,也都將轉化為異常精確的操控性。Epic 8 EVO 高達 130mm 的避震行程,可以吞下強大的衝擊,並裝備一系列適合林道風格騎乘的零件,讓 Epic 8 EVO 在崎嶇林道中無比自在。
什麼碰撞?:與上一代相比,新款Epic 8 EVO 比上一代多吸收 12% 的碰撞和振動,長時間騎乘下來,可降低疲勞感,您的動力也會更強大。讓您想要再騎一趟(或是三趟)。
RIDE DYNAMICS 騎乘力學特調:Specialized Ride Dynamics 團隊為 Epic 8 EVO 新型避震器開發了客製化油閥。我們獨特的 Ride Dynamics 騎乘力學概念阻尼的特性可全面提升騎乘體驗。藉由調整避震器、車架的槓桿率和新式機動力學結構,我們能夠提供一台能力超越所有零件總和的自行車。
生物力學效率:透過最佳化避震的機動力學設計,Specialized Ride Dynamics 騎乘力學團隊減少了20% 由踩踏所引起的低效晃動,同時保持主動避震以達高效的衝擊力管理,確保您保持在最高效的踩踏姿勢。這是我們測試過的最高踩踏效率的避震自行車。
事半功倍:在 Epic 8 EVO 上,我們沒有使用任何多餘重量,並讓車架獲得強大的性能。現在所有型號均配備 SWAT 4.0,可攜帶您所有的越野必需品,並配有整合式的轉向停止保護裝置,可防止您在摔車或車把過度旋轉時,在上管留下疤痕。
- FACT 11m 碳纖維
- 漸進式 XC 幾何結構
- 下管 SWAT 4.0 可攜帶進入林道的所需物品
- Ride Dynamics 騎乘力學特調 FOX Float Factory
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