Free Shipping For Bikes
需要幫忙嗎?Rider Care 隨時為您提供協助。Since 1974, we've had one goal: Innovate and inspire to improve riders' lives.
Innovate or Die. Three words behind every design decision we make.
Bikes are part of a greater culture with tremendous stories. This is where you'll find them.
We recognize that the decisions we make have social and environmental impacts and that we are responsible for minimizing them.
Helping riders make data-driven decisions to improve the ride.
The Specialized Foundation uses cycling as a tool for children to achieve academic, health, and social success.
Since 1974, we've had one goal: Innovate and inspire to improve riders' lives.
Innovate or Die. Three words behind every design decision we make.
Bikes are part of a greater culture with tremendous stories. This is where you'll find them.
We recognize that the decisions we make have social and environmental impacts and that we are responsible for minimizing them.
Helping riders make data-driven decisions to improve the ride.
The Specialized Foundation uses cycling as a tool for children to achieve academic, health, and social success.
Hitting a snag with ANGi? Here are some commonly-asked questions and their answers.
If you’re still encountering difficulties after this, don’t hesitate to contact us at or 877-808-8154 for more help.
確認手機的藍牙與位置服務皆已啟用。您可以至手機設定中找到這些選項。感應器透過低耗電藍牙來與app連線。請注意您無需在您手機上的藍牙目錄中搜尋感應器。只需要開啟Ride app,選擇裝置列,然後依據手機指示操作即可。
- 確認電池蓋已確實關緊。
- 試著將手機重開機。
- 更換ANGi裝置內的電池。
- 檢查您的手機作業系統是否已更新至最新版,並且安裝最新版的Specialized Ride app。
Specialized讓所有的數位資產都使用同一組帳號密碼,包括Mission Control、Power Cranks、Retül、以及。若您已經有其中一個系統的帳號,您可以使用同一組帳號來登入至Ride app。忘記您的密碼了嗎?您可以從app或至Specialized.com來重置,只需點選「忘記密碼」。