Cross Country Mountain Bikes

THINK FASTEST: The Epic World Cup is the fastest XC race bike in the world on smooth to moderately technical courses thanks to its unmatched combination of efficiency, control, and light-weight. World Champ Christopher Blevins said it best, “Th... Read More
極速思維:無論是在和緩或中等技巧難度的賽道上, Epic Wrold Cup 都是世界上速度最快的 XC 競賽車。而這一切都因得益於它無可比擬「效率」、「操控」和「輕量」三者的組合。世界冠軍 Christopher Blevins 說得好:「這東西給了我在硬尾車上所需的一切,又再加上雙避震的控制和能力。」創造這台速度機器所需的是:完全整合的研發方法、發明全新的後避震器,以及 40 年在 off-road 上奪冠的經驗。
車架標竿:為了藉由高效動力傳輸和精確操控來產生極速,我們的工程團隊設定並達到了「扭動剛性」和「BB 硬度」的新標準。如此成就需要一種整合式的研發方法,將優越的雙菱形佈局結構與藏於上管之內的避震器相結合,並以 Specialized 歷史上最複雜的複合材料層疊工藝完成。
速度驚人:Specialized 騎乘動力學(Ride Dynamics)團隊為 Epic World Cup 構思並發明了革命性的避震技術,為騎士提供硬尾車的效率和快速反應,更添加了雙避震的控制性、能力和速度延續性,而這一切只需簡單的設定即可達成。與 RockShox 共同研發的 SID Deluxe WCID 避震器,利用特殊可獨立調整正負壓力的氣壓彈簧,提供硬尾車吃香的「直接反應」,進一步結合可吞下任何地形的容錯性,還有可根據騎士喜好和感覺來設定、針對特定賽道進行個人化調整的能力。設定為「硬」,它騎起來就像硬尾車。或者打開它,你就會有一台炸裂石塊的碎土機。但您不會被「開或關」所限制,騎士可以在「硬」到「軟」之間隨心設定。
超越功能設定:Epic World Cup 的 75mm 後行程提供了如同長行程車的控制性和能力。因為它是設計在達到或接近「觸頂」的狀態下騎乘,所以可產生等於設定 25% 下沉量的 100mm 行程車相同的正向行程。為了進一步最佳化避震性能,Specialized Ride Dynamics 團隊將行程中段的彈簧係數調整為相對平坦,就像更長行程的車一樣,可以處理大部分的衝擊力。由於新款後避震器尺寸較大,所以特規的 Mega Jounce Bumper 是「業界首創」,在平順地處理最大衝擊的觸底狀況時,扮演著至關重要的角色。
我們瘋了嗎? 是有點:全新突破性的 SID Deluxe WCID 避震器在後半部提供了支撐力和貼地性的獨特組合。BRAIN 智慧避震同時仍然存在,並且在前叉中良好運行。Position-Sensitive(位置敏感)技術讓騎士以 15mm 前叉下沉量達到平衡的騎乘,提供柔順的小顛簸貼地性和堅硬的踏板平台,無需線控把或撥桿進行切換。
無需擔心重量:Epic World Cup 車架重量僅有 1,765g(帶有塗裝和避震器與所有硬體),擊敗了最輕的競爭對手。如此輕量轉化為更快的加速、更高效的爬升和更敏捷的操控。這一切加總起來就產生了速度。Aethos 是有史以來最輕的量產公路車架,而我們就是透過應用在研發 Aethos 時所學到的知識,特別是在先進複合材料的疊層和管形兩方面,成就了 Epic WC 的輕量和怪物般的剛性。
不再彎曲:Epic World Cup 配備全套 Roval Control SL 套件:1,240g 輪組、180g 座管和 250g 整合式座艙(70mm x 780mm)。在今日的世界盃賽場中,這每一項零件都擁有無與倫比的輕量、剛性和控制力。
- 全新 Epic World Cup 車架採用 Ride Dynamics Developed 避震技術和 75mm 的最佳化後輪行程。得益於此避震技術,Epic World Cup 提供了無可匹敵的踩踏效率,並為您將面對最崎嶇的下坡做好了準備—無需鎖死開關切換。
- SRAM XX1 SL 變速系統建立在一級選手對變速性能和耐用度的需求之上,使其完美符合越野競技用車的嚴苛要求。
- 全新的 SID SL BRAIN 前叉提供 110mm 的吸震性能,同時辨別來自路面或騎士的震動輸入,產生終極的效率。
- Roval Control SL 輪圈專為匹配增加功能性的 Epic World Cup 所設計。採用全新的偏心輪圈截面,內框寬為 29mm,不僅增加強度還減輕了重量,同時還將抗蛇咬性提高了 22%。

S-Works Epic World Cup
THINK FASTEST: The Epic World Cup is the fastest XC race bike in the world on smooth to moderately technical courses thanks to its unmatched combination of efficiency, control, and light-weight. World Champ Christopher Blevins said it best, “This thing gives me everything I could want from a hardtail, plus the control and capability of full suspension.” All it took to create this speed machine was a totally integrated development approach, inventing a radical new shock, and four decades of off-road winning experience.
FRAME OF REFERENCE: To deliver maximum speed through ruthlessly efficient power transfer and precision handling, our engineering team set and achieved new standards in torsional rigidity and BB stiffness. This feat required an integrated development approach that merged a structurally superior double diamond layout with its shock cradled inside the top-tube, and finished off with the most sophisticated composite layup in Specialized history.
SHOCKINGLY FAST: The Specialized Ride Dynamics team conceived of and invented a revolutionary shock technology for the Epic World Cup that gives the rider the efficiency and snappy response of a hardtail PLUS the control, capability, and momentum-carrying of full suspension—all with a simple setup. Co-developed with RockShox, the SID Deluxe WCID shock utilizes a unique independently adjustable positive and negative air springs to deliver the sought-after hardtail “snap”, combined with terrain-devouring forgiveness, and the ability to easily personalize set-up for a specific course or tune for rider preference and feel. Set it firm and it rides like a hardtail or open it up and you have a chunk-squashing ripper. But you aren't just limited “open and closed,” the simple nature of its setup allows the rider to set on a spectrum of firm to soft.
PUNCHING ABOVE ITS CATEGORY: The Epic World Cup’s 75mm of rear travel delivers control and capability of a much longer travel bike. Because it’s designed to be ridden at or close to topped-out, it yields the same positive travel as a 100mm travel bike set up with 25% sag. To further optimize suspension performance, the Specialized Ride Dynamics team tuned the spring-rate to be relatively flat through the mid-stroke to handle the majority of bump forces like a longer travel bike. Due to its large size, the custom Mega Jounce Bumper is an “industry first” and plays a crucial role in smoothly managing bottom-out on the biggest impacts.
HAVE WE LOST OUR MINDS? SORT OF: While the new, and groundbreaking SID Deluxe WCID shock provides the unique blend of support and compliance in the rear, the BRAIN is still alive and well in the fork. Its Position-Sensitive technology allows riders to sag into the fork 15mm for a balanced ride, providing supple small bump compliance and a firm pedaling platform without the need for a remote lockout or levers to flip.
THE WEIGHT IS OVER: With a frame weight of just 1,765 grams (painted with shock and all hardware), the Epic World Cup edges out the lightest of competitors. This translates to faster acceleration, more efficiently climbing, and more agile handling. And all of that adds up to speed. We achieved the featherweight and monster stiffness of the Epic WC by applying what we learned in the development of our Aethos, the lightest production road frame ever made, specifically the advanced composite layup and tube shapes.
THE BIGGEST FLEX IS NO FLEX: The Epic World Cup sports the full suite of Roval Control SL components: 1,240-gram wheelset, 180-gram seat post, and 250-gram integrated cockpit (70mm x 780mm). Each boasting peerless light-weight, stiffness, and control on the World Cup today.
- The all-new Epic World Cup frame features Ride Dynamics Developed suspension technology and 75mm of optimized rear wheel travel. Thanks to its shock technology, Epic World Cup delivers unmatched pedal efficiency and is ready for the roughest descents you can throw at it–no lockout switches required.
- SRAM XX1 SL transmission builds on what top riders need in shifting performance and robustness, making it perfectly matched for the brutal demands of off-road racing.
- An all-new SID SL BRAIN fork provides 110mm of bump-muting performance while discerning inputs from the ground or rider to provide ultimate efficiency.
- Created specifically to match the increased capabilities of the Epic World Cup, the Roval Control SL rim introduces a completely new offset rim profile that features a 29mm internal width that not only increases strength and reduces weight, but also improves pinch-flat resistance by 22-percent.
極速思維:無論是在和緩或中等技巧難度的賽道上, Epic Wrold Cup 都是世界上速度最快的 XC 競賽車。而這一切都因得益於它無可比擬「效率」、「操控」和「輕量」三者的組合。世界冠軍 Christopher Blevins 說得好:「這東西給了我在硬尾車上所需的一切,又再加上雙避震的控制和能力。」創造這台速度機器所需的是:完全整合的研發方法、發明全新的後避震器,以及 40 年在 off-road 上奪冠的經驗。
車架標竿:為了藉由高效動力傳輸和精確操控來產生極速,我們的工程團隊設定並達到了「扭動剛性」和「BB 硬度」的新標準。如此成就需要一種整合式的研發方法,將優越的雙菱形佈局結構與藏於上管之內的避震器相結合,並以 Specialized 歷史上最複雜的複合材料層疊工藝完成。
速度驚人:Specialized 騎乘動力學(Ride Dynamics)團隊為 Epic World Cup 構思並發明了革命性的避震技術,為騎士提供硬尾車的效率和快速反應,更添加了雙避震的控制性、能力和速度延續性,而這一切只需簡單的設定即可達成。與 RockShox 共同研發的 SID Deluxe WCID 避震器,利用特殊可獨立調整正負壓力的氣壓彈簧,提供硬尾車吃香的「直接反應」,進一步結合可吞下任何地形的容錯性,還有可根據騎士喜好和感覺來設定、針對特定賽道進行個人化調整的能力。設定為「硬」,它騎起來就像硬尾車。或者打開它,你就會有一台炸裂石塊的碎土機。但您不會被「開或關」所限制,騎士可以在「硬」到「軟」之間隨心設定。
超越功能設定:Epic World Cup 的 75mm 後行程提供了如同長行程車的控制性和能力。因為它是設計在達到或接近「觸頂」的狀態下騎乘,所以可產生等於設定 25% 下沉量的 100mm 行程車相同的正向行程。為了進一步最佳化避震性能,Specialized Ride Dynamics 團隊將行程中段的彈簧係數調整為相對平坦,就像更長行程的車一樣,可以處理大部分的衝擊力。由於新款後避震器尺寸較大,所以特規的 Mega Jounce Bumper 是「業界首創」,在平順地處理最大衝擊的觸底狀況時,扮演著至關重要的角色。
我們瘋了嗎? 是有點:全新突破性的 SID Deluxe WCID 避震器在後半部提供了支撐力和貼地性的獨特組合。BRAIN 智慧避震同時仍然存在,並且在前叉中良好運行。Position-Sensitive(位置敏感)技術讓騎士以 15mm 前叉下沉量達到平衡的騎乘,提供柔順的小顛簸貼地性和堅硬的踏板平台,無需線控把或撥桿進行切換。
無需擔心重量:Epic World Cup 車架重量僅有 1,765g(帶有塗裝和避震器與所有硬體),擊敗了最輕的競爭對手。如此輕量轉化為更快的加速、更高效的爬升和更敏捷的操控。這一切加總起來就產生了速度。Aethos 是有史以來最輕的量產公路車架,而我們就是透過應用在研發 Aethos 時所學到的知識,特別是在先進複合材料的疊層和管形兩方面,成就了 Epic WC 的輕量和怪物般的剛性。
不再彎曲:Epic World Cup 配備全套 Roval Control SL 套件:1,240g 輪組、180g 座管和 250g 整合式座艙(70mm x 780mm)。在今日的世界盃賽場中,這每一項零件都擁有無與倫比的輕量、剛性和控制力。
- 全新 Epic World Cup 車架採用 Ride Dynamics Developed 避震技術和 75mm 的最佳化後輪行程。得益於此避震技術,Epic World Cup 提供了無可匹敵的踩踏效率,並為您將面對最崎嶇的下坡做好了準備—無需鎖死開關切換。
- SRAM XX1 SL 變速系統建立在一級選手對變速性能和耐用度的需求之上,使其完美符合越野競技用車的嚴苛要求。
- 全新的 SID SL BRAIN 前叉提供 110mm 的吸震性能,同時辨別來自路面或騎士的震動輸入,產生終極的效率。
- Roval Control SL 輪圈專為匹配增加功能性的 Epic World Cup 所設計。採用全新的偏心輪圈截面,內框寬為 29mm,不僅增加強度還減輕了重量,同時還將抗蛇咬性提高了 22%。
wishlist message

THINK FASTEST: The Epic World Cup is the fastest XC race bike in the world on smooth to moderately technical courses thanks to its unmatched combination of efficiency, control, and light-weight. World Champ Christopher Blevins said it best, “Th... Read More
極速思維:Epic World Cup 將無可比擬的「效率」、「操控」和「輕量」三者結合,成為從平順到中等技術賽道上,地表最快的 XC 競賽車。世界冠軍 Christopher Blevins 如此說道:「它給了我在硬尾車上所需的一切,又再加上全避震的控制和能力。」創造這款速度機器所需的是一種整合性的研發方法,再發明了一種全新的後避震器,還有四十年的越野賽場上制勝的經驗。
車架標竿:為了透過高效動力傳輸和精確操控來產生極速,我們的工程團隊設定並達到了「扭動剛性」和「BB 硬度」的新標準。如此成就需要一種整合式的研發方法,將優越的雙菱形佈局結構與藏於上管之內的避震器相結合,並以 Specialized 歷史上最複雜的複合材料層疊工藝完成。
速度驚人:Specialized 騎乘動力學(Ride Dynamics)團隊為 Epic World Cup 構思並發明了革命性的避震技術,為騎士提供硬尾車的效率和快速反應,更添加了雙避震的操控力、能力和速度延續性—這一切都以簡單的設定達成。與 RockShox 共同研發的 SID Deluxe WCID 避震器,利用特殊可獨立調整正負壓力的氣壓彈簧,提供硬尾車吃香的「直接反應」,進一步結合可吞下任何地形的容錯性。還有可根據騎士喜好和感覺來設定、針對特定賽道進行個人化調整的能力。設定為「硬」,它騎起來就像硬尾車。或者打開它,你就會有一台炸裂石塊的碎土機。但您不會被「開或關」所限制,騎士可以在「硬」到「軟」之間隨心設定。
超越功能設定:Epic World Cup 的 75mm 後行程提供了如同長行程車的操控性和能力。因為它是設計在達到或接近「觸頂」的狀態下騎乘,所以可產生等於設定 25% 下沉量 100mm 行程車相同的正向行程。為了進一步最佳化避震性能,Specialized Ride Dynamics 團隊在行程中段將彈簧係數調整為相對平坦,就像更長行程的車一樣,可以處理大部分的衝擊力。由於新款後避震器尺寸較大,特規的 Mega Jounce Bumper 是「業界首創」,在平順地處理最大衝擊的觸底狀況時,扮演著至關重要的角色。
我們瘋了嗎? 是有點:全新突破性的 SID Deluxe WCID 避震器在後半部提供了支撐力和貼地性的獨特組合。 BRAIN 同時仍然存在,並且在前叉中良好運行。Position-Sensitive(位置敏感)技術讓騎士以 15mm 前叉下沉量達到平衡的騎乘,提供柔順的小顛簸貼地性和堅硬的踏板平台,無需線控把或撥桿進行切換。
無需擔心重量:Epic World Cup 車架重量僅有 1,915g(帶有塗裝和避震器與所有硬體),擊敗了最輕的競爭對手。如此輕量轉化為更快的加速、更高效的爬升和更敏捷的操控。這一切加總起來就產生了速度。Aethos 是有史以來最輕的量產公路車架,而我們就是透過應用在研發 Aethos 時所學到的知識,特別是在先進複合材料疊層和管形兩方面,成就了 Epic WC 的輕量和怪物般的剛性。
- 全新 Epic World Cup 車架採用 Ride Dynamics Developed 避震技術和 75mm 的最佳化後輪行程。得益於此避震技術,Epic World Cup 提供了無可匹敵的踩踏效率,並為您將進行最崎嶇的下坡做好了準備—無需鎖死開關切換。
- SRAM GX 變速系統建立在頂級選手對變速性能和耐用度的需求之上,使其完美符合越野競技用車的嚴苛要求。
- 全新的 SID SL BRAIN 前叉提供 110mm 的吸震性能,同時辨別來自路面或騎士的震動輸入,產生終極的效率。
- 繼承悠久的 World Cup 血統,手工製 Roval Control 碳纖輪組採用現代化 29mm 內寬無鉤輪圈—最大化提高強度、騎乘品質和耐用性—同時將重量壓到最低。

Epic World Cup Expert
THINK FASTEST: The Epic World Cup is the fastest XC race bike in the world on smooth to moderately technical courses thanks to its unmatched combination of efficiency, control, and light-weight. World Champ Christopher Blevins said it best, “This thing gives me everything I could want from a hardtail, plus the control and capability of full suspension.” All it took to create this speed machine was a totally integrated development approach, inventing a radical new shock, and four decades of off-road winning experience.
FRAME OF REFERENCE: To deliver maximum speed through ruthlessly efficient power transfer and precision handling, our engineering team set and achieved new standards in torsional rigidity and BB stiffness. This feat required an integrated development approach that merged a structurally superior double diamond layout with its shock cradled inside the top-tube, and finished off with the most sophisticated composite layup in Specialized history.
SHOCKINGLY FAST: The Specialized Ride Dynamics team conceived of and invented a revolutionary shock technology for the Epic World Cup that gives the rider the efficiency and snappy response of a hardtail PLUS the control, capability, and momentum-carrying of full suspension—all with a simple setup. Co-developed with RockShox, the SID Deluxe WCID shock utilizes a unique independently adjustable positive and negative air springs to deliver the sought-after hardtail “snap”, combined with terrain-devouring forgiveness, and the ability to easily personalize set-up for a specific course or tune for rider preference and feel. Set it firm and it rides like a hardtail or open it up and you have a chunk-squashing ripper. But you aren't just limited “open and closed,” the simple nature of its setup allows the rider to set on a spectrum of firm to soft.
PUNCHING ABOVE ITS CATEGORY: The Epic World Cup’s 75mm of rear travel delivers control and capability of a much longer travel bike. Because it’s designed to be ridden at or close to topped-out, it yields the same positive travel as a 100mm travel bike set up with 25% sag. To further optimize suspension performance, the Specialized Ride Dynamics team tuned the spring-rate to be relatively flat through the mid-stroke to handle the majority of bump forces like a longer travel bike. Due to its large size, the custom Mega Jounce Bumper is an “industry first” and plays a crucial role in smoothly managing bottom-out on the biggest impacts.
HAVE WE LOST OUR MINDS? SORT OF: While the new, and groundbreaking SID Deluxe WCID shock provides the unique blend of support and compliance in the rear, the BRAIN is still alive and well in the fork. Its Position-Sensitive technology allows riders to sag into the fork 15mm for a balanced ride, providing supple small bump compliance and a firm pedaling platform without the need for a remote lockout or levers to flip.
THE WEIGHT IS OVER: With a frame weight of just 1,915 grams (painted with shock and all hardware), the Epic World Cup edges out the lightest of competitors. This translates to faster acceleration, more efficiently climbing, and more agile handling. And all of that adds up to speed. We achieved the featherweight and monster stiffness of the Epic WC by applying what we learned in the development of our Aethos, the lightest production road frame ever made, specifically the advanced composite layup and tube shapes.
- The all-new Epic World Cup frame features Ride Dynamics Developed suspension technology and 75mm of optimized rear wheel travel. Thanks to its shock technology, Epic World Cup delivers unmatched pedal efficiency and is ready for the roughest descents you can throw at it–no lockout switches required.
- SRAM GX transmission builds on what top riders need in shifting performance and robustness, making it perfectly matched for the brutal demands of modern Cross Country racing.
- An all-new SID SL BRAIN fork provides 110mm of bump-muting performance while discerning inputs from the ground or rider to provide ultimate efficiency.
- Descending from a long World Cup lineage, hand-built Roval Control carbon wheels feature a modern 29mm internal-width hookless rim–maximizing strength, ride quality, and durability–while keeping weight to a minimum.
極速思維:Epic World Cup 將無可比擬的「效率」、「操控」和「輕量」三者結合,成為從平順到中等技術賽道上,地表最快的 XC 競賽車。世界冠軍 Christopher Blevins 如此說道:「它給了我在硬尾車上所需的一切,又再加上全避震的控制和能力。」創造這款速度機器所需的是一種整合性的研發方法,再發明了一種全新的後避震器,還有四十年的越野賽場上制勝的經驗。
車架標竿:為了透過高效動力傳輸和精確操控來產生極速,我們的工程團隊設定並達到了「扭動剛性」和「BB 硬度」的新標準。如此成就需要一種整合式的研發方法,將優越的雙菱形佈局結構與藏於上管之內的避震器相結合,並以 Specialized 歷史上最複雜的複合材料層疊工藝完成。
速度驚人:Specialized 騎乘動力學(Ride Dynamics)團隊為 Epic World Cup 構思並發明了革命性的避震技術,為騎士提供硬尾車的效率和快速反應,更添加了雙避震的操控力、能力和速度延續性—這一切都以簡單的設定達成。與 RockShox 共同研發的 SID Deluxe WCID 避震器,利用特殊可獨立調整正負壓力的氣壓彈簧,提供硬尾車吃香的「直接反應」,進一步結合可吞下任何地形的容錯性。還有可根據騎士喜好和感覺來設定、針對特定賽道進行個人化調整的能力。設定為「硬」,它騎起來就像硬尾車。或者打開它,你就會有一台炸裂石塊的碎土機。但您不會被「開或關」所限制,騎士可以在「硬」到「軟」之間隨心設定。
超越功能設定:Epic World Cup 的 75mm 後行程提供了如同長行程車的操控性和能力。因為它是設計在達到或接近「觸頂」的狀態下騎乘,所以可產生等於設定 25% 下沉量 100mm 行程車相同的正向行程。為了進一步最佳化避震性能,Specialized Ride Dynamics 團隊在行程中段將彈簧係數調整為相對平坦,就像更長行程的車一樣,可以處理大部分的衝擊力。由於新款後避震器尺寸較大,特規的 Mega Jounce Bumper 是「業界首創」,在平順地處理最大衝擊的觸底狀況時,扮演著至關重要的角色。
我們瘋了嗎? 是有點:全新突破性的 SID Deluxe WCID 避震器在後半部提供了支撐力和貼地性的獨特組合。 BRAIN 同時仍然存在,並且在前叉中良好運行。Position-Sensitive(位置敏感)技術讓騎士以 15mm 前叉下沉量達到平衡的騎乘,提供柔順的小顛簸貼地性和堅硬的踏板平台,無需線控把或撥桿進行切換。
無需擔心重量:Epic World Cup 車架重量僅有 1,915g(帶有塗裝和避震器與所有硬體),擊敗了最輕的競爭對手。如此輕量轉化為更快的加速、更高效的爬升和更敏捷的操控。這一切加總起來就產生了速度。Aethos 是有史以來最輕的量產公路車架,而我們就是透過應用在研發 Aethos 時所學到的知識,特別是在先進複合材料疊層和管形兩方面,成就了 Epic WC 的輕量和怪物般的剛性。
- 全新 Epic World Cup 車架採用 Ride Dynamics Developed 避震技術和 75mm 的最佳化後輪行程。得益於此避震技術,Epic World Cup 提供了無可匹敵的踩踏效率,並為您將進行最崎嶇的下坡做好了準備—無需鎖死開關切換。
- SRAM GX 變速系統建立在頂級選手對變速性能和耐用度的需求之上,使其完美符合越野競技用車的嚴苛要求。
- 全新的 SID SL BRAIN 前叉提供 110mm 的吸震性能,同時辨別來自路面或騎士的震動輸入,產生終極的效率。
- 繼承悠久的 World Cup 血統,手工製 Roval Control 碳纖輪組採用現代化 29mm 內寬無鉤輪圈—最大化提高強度、騎乘品質和耐用性—同時將重量壓到最低。
wishlist message

Better performance. Better value. Better Rockhopper. By tapping the fit and handling advantages of pairing each rider with their ideal wheel size and suspension that works its hardest for everyone thanks to our size-specific Rx Tune, we’ve bake... Read More
Better performance. Better value. Better Rockhopper. By tapping the fit and handling advantages of pairing each rider with their ideal wheel size and suspension that works its hardest for everyone thanks to our size-specific Rx Tune, we’ve bake... Read More

Rockhopper 27.5
Better performance. Better value. Better Rockhopper. By tapping the fit and handling advantages of pairing each rider with their ideal wheel size and suspension that works its hardest for everyone thanks to our size-specific Rx Tune, we’ve baked in added performance to the all-new Rockhopper without dialing up the price.
Shimano and MicroSHIFT team up for drivetrain duties with a robust 2x8 drivetrain that can handle everything you’re throw down while confident braking from Radius CX7 mechanical disc brakes seals the deal of the century.
- A heart of gold, presented in our lightweight yet durable Premium A1 Aluminum, the Rockhopper’s butted aluminum frame features hydroformed top and downtubes in order to keep weight low and strength high, all while providing increased standover clearance, slick internal cable routing and dropper-post compatibility.
- With the goal of making sure that the Rockhopper offers both the best fit and best performance for every person, no matter their measure, we’ve paired each Rockhopper frame size with the optimal wheel size. The result is a Rockhopper to fit every rider and the assurance that every Rockhopper is rolling on the best-handling wheel for its frame size.
- Bringing our Rx Tune to Rockhopper for the very first time, the lockout-equipped SR Suntour XCM with custom Multi-Circuit damping brings size-specific travel and spring rates to the show in a performance that’s sure to impress while also ensuring consistent geometry, handling and suspension performance, regardless of frame or wheel size.
- Pair dead-reliable hubs from Formula with our 25-millimeter internal diameter, rims for a wheelset hat-trick: strong, light and durable.
Better performance. Better value. Better Rockhopper. By tapping the fit and handling advantages of pairing each rider with their ideal wheel size and suspension that works its hardest for everyone thanks to our size-specific Rx Tune, we’ve baked in added performance to the all-new Rockhopper without dialing up the price.
Shimano and MicroSHIFT team up for drivetrain duties with a robust 2x8 drivetrain that can handle everything you’re throw down while confident braking from Radius CX7 mechanical disc brakes seals the deal of the century.
- A heart of gold, presented in our lightweight yet durable Premium A1 Aluminum, the Rockhopper’s butted aluminum frame features hydroformed top and downtubes in order to keep weight low and strength high, all while providing increased standover clearance, slick internal cable routing and dropper-post compatibility.
- With the goal of making sure that the Rockhopper offers both the best fit and best performance for every person, no matter their measure, we’ve paired each Rockhopper frame size with the optimal wheel size. The result is a Rockhopper to fit every rider and the assurance that every Rockhopper is rolling on the best-handling wheel for its frame size.
- Bringing our Rx Tune to Rockhopper for the very first time, the lockout-equipped SR Suntour XCM with custom Multi-Circuit damping brings size-specific travel and spring rates to the show in a performance that’s sure to impress while also ensuring consistent geometry, handling and suspension performance, regardless of frame or wheel size.
- Pair dead-reliable hubs from Formula with our 25-millimeter internal diameter, rims for a wheelset hat-trick: strong, light and durable.
wishlist message

What do you get when you open up the taps on trickle-down technology? That’d be the Epic Pro LTD. A waterfall of performance coming straight down from Mount S-Works, the Epic Pro LTD benefits from the most efficient suspension design we’ve ever... Read More
您會得到什麼從高階技術涓滴下來的東西?那就是 Epic Pro LTD。巨大的性能瀑布從 S-Works 山頭直接傾瀉而下,Epic Pro LTD 得益於我們創造過最高效的避震設計,還與上一代 S-Works 一樣輕量,同時也為世界盃的佼佼者提供驚人高效的能量轉換。
Epic 將硬尾效率和全避震能力相結合,獲得令人印象深刻的快速結果,始終對速度毫不妥協的承諾就是它的定義。好吧,還有 100 多次世界杯冠軍和領獎台。
硬尾效率和全避震能力相結合後的高速結果,Epic 始終懷抱著對速度毫不妥協執念。好啦,還有一百多次世界盃冠軍和凸台成就。
一如既往,最新的 Epic 延續了傳統,利用我們創造過最高效的 BRAIN 避震系統,來確保它始終以「高速」著稱。
與新款 Epic 協同重新設計,新款 BRAIN 的設計重新設定了對效率的期望,採用針對競賽調校的新式踩踏平台,確保每一瓦都能轉為向前的動力,同時輕鬆吸收降低速度的震動,對強烈衝擊亦為如此—產生比以往都加流暢的騎乘。
S-Works Epic LTD 車架重新設計,專注高效動力傳輸和更好的操控性,後三角硬度提高了 15%,以便完全發揮新式 BRAIN 的競賽調校踩踏平台。專門的疊層布局和使用我們頂級 FACT 12m 碳纖維,比同類產品更進一步減低重量,再加上獨門秘方的碳纖避震連桿,加總起來比上一代 S-Works 車架減少了 100 多克 - 請注意,這並不是一件容易的事。
Epic Pro LTD 的 Top-Adjust Position-Sensitive BRAIN 前叉可在途中輕鬆開啟,讓賽前練習的賽道針對性避震調整變成一件輕鬆的事情。SRAM 的 X0 Eagle AXS 電子套件則回應 BRAIN 聰靈機敏的性能,執行電光火石般的精確變速。
- Epic FACT 11m 碳纖車架提供 100mm 由極其高效的 BRAIN 所控制的行程,加強後三角剛性達成無與倫比的動力傳輸,並導入 Epic 迄今為止最強大的路況處理能力,還比上一代 Epic 還要輕量。
- RockShox SID SL BRAIN 前叉提供 100mm 由出色的 BRAIN 所控制的行程,同時將避震器調整鈕置於頂部,以便進行快速、即時的調整。
- SRAM X0 Eagle AXS 12 速後變速器不僅提供最清晰的變速,它還可以提供最大 500% 的齒比變化,同時以縮短 10% 的腿架設計,產生出比機械式還要更大離地距離。
- 源自悠久的世界盃血統,手工打造的 Roval Control Carbon 輪組採用現代 29mm 內寬無勾輪圈,將強度、騎乘品質和耐用性最大化,同時將重量壓至最低。

Epic Pro LTD
What do you get when you open up the taps on trickle-down technology? That’d be the Epic Pro LTD. A waterfall of performance coming straight down from Mount S-Works, the Epic Pro LTD benefits from the most efficient suspension design we’ve ever created, not to mention a frame that’s as light as the previous-generation S-Works while offering the same incredibly efficient power transfer of the current cream of the World Cup crop.
Mixing hardtail efficiency and full-suspension capability to impressively quick results, Epic has always been defined by an uncompromised commitment to speed. Well, that and over 100 World Cup wins and podiums too.
True to form, the latest Epic continues the tradition, taking advantage of the most efficient BRAIN suspension we’ve ever created to ensure it’s always on a first-name-basis with fast.
Re-engineered hand-in-hand with the new Epic, the latest BRAIN design resets the expectation for efficiency, employing a new race-tuned pedaling platform to ensure every watt possible is translated into forward motion, while handily soaking up momentum-killing chatter and big hits alike—all more smoothly than ever.
Redesigned with a focus on efficient power transfer and better handling performance, the Epic’s all-new FACT 11m carbon frame features a 15-percent stiffer rear triangle in order to take full advantage of the BRAIN’s new race-tuned pedaling platform, while the revised carbon layup of the front-triangle sheds weight, sending the Epic’s already sky-high stiffness-to-weight ratio even higher.
The Epic Pro LTD’s Top-Adjust Position-Sensitive BRAIN fork allows for easy tuning on the fly, making suspension adjustments on course pre-rides a stress-free affair, while SRAM’s X0 Eagle AXS electronic group takes notes from BRAIN’s telepathic performance, firing off shifts with lightning-fast precision.
- Offering 100-millimeters of brilliantly efficient BRAIN-controlled travel, the Epic’s FACT 11m carbon frame increases rear-triangle stiffness for peerless power transfer and introduces the most capable handling in an Epic yet, all while shedding weight over the previous-generation Epic.
- The RockShox SID SL BRAIN fork serves up 100-millimeters of brilliantly controlled BRAIN travel while bringing damper adjustments top-side for quick, on-the-fly tweaks.
- The SRAM X0 Eagle AXS 12-speed rear derailleur not only offers some of the crispest shift around, it also manages to serve up a maximum 520-percent gear range while using a 10-percent shorter cage design to increase ground clearance over its mechanical counterpart.
- Descending from a long World Cup lineage, hand-built Roval Control Carbon wheels feature a modern 29-millimeter internal-width hookless rim, and maximize strength, ride quality, and durability while keeping weight to a minimum.
您會得到什麼從高階技術涓滴下來的東西?那就是 Epic Pro LTD。巨大的性能瀑布從 S-Works 山頭直接傾瀉而下,Epic Pro LTD 得益於我們創造過最高效的避震設計,還與上一代 S-Works 一樣輕量,同時也為世界盃的佼佼者提供驚人高效的能量轉換。
Epic 將硬尾效率和全避震能力相結合,獲得令人印象深刻的快速結果,始終對速度毫不妥協的承諾就是它的定義。好吧,還有 100 多次世界杯冠軍和領獎台。
硬尾效率和全避震能力相結合後的高速結果,Epic 始終懷抱著對速度毫不妥協執念。好啦,還有一百多次世界盃冠軍和凸台成就。
一如既往,最新的 Epic 延續了傳統,利用我們創造過最高效的 BRAIN 避震系統,來確保它始終以「高速」著稱。
與新款 Epic 協同重新設計,新款 BRAIN 的設計重新設定了對效率的期望,採用針對競賽調校的新式踩踏平台,確保每一瓦都能轉為向前的動力,同時輕鬆吸收降低速度的震動,對強烈衝擊亦為如此—產生比以往都加流暢的騎乘。
S-Works Epic LTD 車架重新設計,專注高效動力傳輸和更好的操控性,後三角硬度提高了 15%,以便完全發揮新式 BRAIN 的競賽調校踩踏平台。專門的疊層布局和使用我們頂級 FACT 12m 碳纖維,比同類產品更進一步減低重量,再加上獨門秘方的碳纖避震連桿,加總起來比上一代 S-Works 車架減少了 100 多克 - 請注意,這並不是一件容易的事。
Epic Pro LTD 的 Top-Adjust Position-Sensitive BRAIN 前叉可在途中輕鬆開啟,讓賽前練習的賽道針對性避震調整變成一件輕鬆的事情。SRAM 的 X0 Eagle AXS 電子套件則回應 BRAIN 聰靈機敏的性能,執行電光火石般的精確變速。
- Epic FACT 11m 碳纖車架提供 100mm 由極其高效的 BRAIN 所控制的行程,加強後三角剛性達成無與倫比的動力傳輸,並導入 Epic 迄今為止最強大的路況處理能力,還比上一代 Epic 還要輕量。
- RockShox SID SL BRAIN 前叉提供 100mm 由出色的 BRAIN 所控制的行程,同時將避震器調整鈕置於頂部,以便進行快速、即時的調整。
- SRAM X0 Eagle AXS 12 速後變速器不僅提供最清晰的變速,它還可以提供最大 500% 的齒比變化,同時以縮短 10% 的腿架設計,產生出比機械式還要更大離地距離。
- 源自悠久的世界盃血統,手工打造的 Roval Control Carbon 輪組採用現代 29mm 內寬無勾輪圈,將強度、騎乘品質和耐用性最大化,同時將重量壓至最低。
wishlist message

Hey you, yeah, you...the one with the scale out seeing which of the six identical tires on the shelf is the lightest. Sure, some might call you a bit obsessive, but no worries, here, the S-Works Epic is speaking exactly the same language. Count... Read More
Hey you, yeah, you...the one with the scale out seeing which of the six identical tires on the shelf is the lightest. Sure, some might call you a bit obsessive, but no worries, here, the S-Works Epic is speaking exactly the same language. Count... Read More

S-Works Epic
Hey you, yeah, you...the one with the scale out seeing which of the six identical tires on the shelf is the lightest. Sure, some might call you a bit obsessive, but no worries, here, the S-Works Epic is speaking exactly the same language. Countless design hours, endless test laps, terabytes of telemetry data—all of it to make sure not a single ounce of speed was left on the table.
Mixing hardtail efficiency and full-suspension capability to impressively quick results, the S-Works Epic has always been defined by obsessive commitment to speed. Well, that and over 100 World Cup wins and podiums too.
A Smarter BRAIN
True to form, the latest Epic continues the tradition, taking advantage of the most efficient BRAIN suspension we’ve ever created to ensure it’s always on a first-name-basis with fast.
Re-engineered hand-in-hand with the new Epic, the latest BRAIN design resets the expectation for efficiency, employing a new race-tuned pedaling platform to ensure every watt possible is translated into forward motion, while handily soaking up momentum-killing chatter and big hits alike—all more smoothly than ever.
Redesigned with a focus on efficient power transfer and better handling performance, the S-Works Epic frame features a 15-percent stiffer rear triangle in order to take full advantage of the BRAIN’s new race-tuned pedaling platform. A dedicated layup schedule and the use of our top-shelf FACT 12m Carbon takes weight savings yet a step further than it’s stablemates, while the pièce de résistance comes in the form of a carbon fiber shock link, combining to shave a total of over 100 grams from the previous generation S-works frame—no easy task, mind you.
Pairing perfectly with the Brain rear shock for the most balanced suspension perfomance on an Epic yet, the S-Works' Position-Sensitive Brain fork benefits from RockShox’s svelte-yet-stiff SID SL Ultimate chassis, improving front-end stiffness and handling precision while keeping the grams at bay.
SRAM’s flagship XX1 Eagle AXS group certainly fits the bill when only the best will do, dispatching shifts with electronic authority while we tasked Roval with creating an entirely new Control SL rim that wouldn’t just be able to go toe-to-toe with the Epic’s newfound speed and handling performance, but add a bit of its own into the mix as well.
- If speed could talk, it’d introduce itself as the all-new S-Works Epic frame. Offering 100-millimeters of brilliantly efficient Brain-controlled travel, the S-Work Epic increases rear-triangle stiffness for peerless power transfer, while the use of FACT 12m carbon, a dedicated layup and a full carbon shock link also make it the lightest full suspension frame we’ve ever created, all while offering the most capable handling in an Epic yet. Nice to meet you, speed.
- Pairing 100 millimeters of the most efficent travel on earth with RockShox's svelte-yet-stiff SID SL Ultimate chassis, the RockShox SID SL Ultimate BRAIN fork serves as the pinnacle of XC-race supsension perfection.
- SRAM's XX1 Eagle AXS isn't just the lightest electronic MTB groupset on the market, it's also designed to withstand World-Cup winning chain loads while instantaneously snapping of instantaneous shifts to ensure you're never caught on the back foot.
- Created specifically to match the increased capabilities of the Epic, the Roval Control SL rim introduces a completely new offset rim profile that features a 29-millimeter-wide internal width and not only increases strength and reduces weight, but also improves pinch-flat resistance by 22-percent.
Hey you, yeah, you...the one with the scale out seeing which of the six identical tires on the shelf is the lightest. Sure, some might call you a bit obsessive, but no worries, here, the S-Works Epic is speaking exactly the same language. Countless design hours, endless test laps, terabytes of telemetry data—all of it to make sure not a single ounce of speed was left on the table.
Mixing hardtail efficiency and full-suspension capability to impressively quick results, the S-Works Epic has always been defined by obsessive commitment to speed. Well, that and over 100 World Cup wins and podiums too.
A Smarter BRAIN
True to form, the latest Epic continues the tradition, taking advantage of the most efficient BRAIN suspension we’ve ever created to ensure it’s always on a first-name-basis with fast.
Re-engineered hand-in-hand with the new Epic, the latest BRAIN design resets the expectation for efficiency, employing a new race-tuned pedaling platform to ensure every watt possible is translated into forward motion, while handily soaking up momentum-killing chatter and big hits alike—all more smoothly than ever.
Redesigned with a focus on efficient power transfer and better handling performance, the S-Works Epic frame features a 15-percent stiffer rear triangle in order to take full advantage of the BRAIN’s new race-tuned pedaling platform. A dedicated layup schedule and the use of our top-shelf FACT 12m Carbon takes weight savings yet a step further than it’s stablemates, while the pièce de résistance comes in the form of a carbon fiber shock link, combining to shave a total of over 100 grams from the previous generation S-works frame—no easy task, mind you.
Pairing perfectly with the Brain rear shock for the most balanced suspension perfomance on an Epic yet, the S-Works' Position-Sensitive Brain fork benefits from RockShox’s svelte-yet-stiff SID SL Ultimate chassis, improving front-end stiffness and handling precision while keeping the grams at bay.
SRAM’s flagship XX1 Eagle AXS group certainly fits the bill when only the best will do, dispatching shifts with electronic authority while we tasked Roval with creating an entirely new Control SL rim that wouldn’t just be able to go toe-to-toe with the Epic’s newfound speed and handling performance, but add a bit of its own into the mix as well.
- If speed could talk, it’d introduce itself as the all-new S-Works Epic frame. Offering 100-millimeters of brilliantly efficient Brain-controlled travel, the S-Work Epic increases rear-triangle stiffness for peerless power transfer, while the use of FACT 12m carbon, a dedicated layup and a full carbon shock link also make it the lightest full suspension frame we’ve ever created, all while offering the most capable handling in an Epic yet. Nice to meet you, speed.
- Pairing 100 millimeters of the most efficent travel on earth with RockShox's svelte-yet-stiff SID SL Ultimate chassis, the RockShox SID SL Ultimate BRAIN fork serves as the pinnacle of XC-race supsension perfection.
- SRAM's XX1 Eagle AXS isn't just the lightest electronic MTB groupset on the market, it's also designed to withstand World-Cup winning chain loads while instantaneously snapping of instantaneous shifts to ensure you're never caught on the back foot.
- Created specifically to match the increased capabilities of the Epic, the Roval Control SL rim introduces a completely new offset rim profile that features a 29-millimeter-wide internal width and not only increases strength and reduces weight, but also improves pinch-flat resistance by 22-percent.
wishlist message

Chisel Comp
- We asked ourselves, “How do we bring pro-level performance down to a price more riders can afford?” D'Aluisio Smartweld Technology, that's how. Smartweld allows us to create the most consistent, high-strength welds possible while taking full advantage of compliant, hydroformed alloy tubes. The result? One of the lightest alloy hardtail frames out there at 1,350g, which also features size-tuned stiffness.
- The new Chisel also houses all of the modern features that you expect from an XC bike, like Progressive XC Geometry with a 68-degree headtube angle and longer reach, internal cable routing, a threaded bottom bracket, boost spacing, 30.9mm dropper post compatibility, and 1x-only drivetrains.
- We asked ourselves, “How do we bring pro-level performance down to a price more riders can afford?” D'Aluisio Smartweld Technology, that's how. Smartweld allows us to create the most consistent, high-strength welds possible while taking full advantage of compliant, hydroformed alloy tubes. The result? One of the lightest alloy hardtail frames out there at 1,350g, which also features size-tuned stiffness.
- The new Chisel also houses all of the modern features that you expect from an XC bike, like Progressive XC Geometry with a 68-degree headtube angle and longer reach, internal cable routing, a threaded bottom bracket, boost spacing, 30.9mm dropper post compatibility, and 1x-only drivetrains.
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